Monday, February 3, 2014

garden facts(plz be seriuos)? and Bench Monday, the garden edition

garden facts(plz be seriuos)?

what is the Temperature range for a garden (with plants) to survive?
-plz give other facts about gardens

Garden best answer:

Answer by nomo
It depends on what you are growing - some things are warm weather plants and others are cool weather plants.


Bench Monday, the garden edition

Sunday evening in the garden, after planting out the last of the vegetable beds in seeds and seedlings. Phew!

The winds kicked up last night just after dark, is still howling, and the garden is now quite littered with cottonwood leaves and branches, but all the plants, while leaning heavily, still seem to be doing OK.


Orignal From: garden facts(plz be seriuos)? and Bench Monday, the garden edition

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