Thursday, February 6, 2014

Gardening help, the basics? and Garden Orb Weaver

Gardening help, the basics?

What are some of the basics of gardening? what are the do's and donts? what is the best type of soil being sold right now?

Garden best answer:

Answer by wannaplaytoo2001
a sunny spot, add compost and mushroom manure to soil, stake tomatos and tall plants like pole beans, water early morning or dusk. Many plants don't like their leaves getting wet so water soil only. Plant garden a week after first frost. Buy a good all purpose fertilizer and follow directions. Keep weeding.


Garden Orb Weaver

A Garden Orb Weaver, Eriophora sp. Very early one morning, suspended in its web over the pond. Cherrybrook, NSW.

The eye-spots on its abdomen were very reflective under the flash.

Orignal From: Gardening help, the basics? and Garden Orb Weaver

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