Thursday, February 6, 2014

how do flowers get their colors? and Flowers - Mamiya rz67 + Ektar 100

how do flowers get their colors?

how do the flowers produce their colors?

flower best answer:

Answer by gardenoflia
Good one. I guess we'd have to refer to Darwin --or maybe the Botony of Desire. If you're gonna call The origin of species just a "theory" (when the proof is here on earth) I guess you'll have to say they got their colors from G-d. Then, why are some insects mimicking flowers (and trees, or a blade of grass)? How did flowers get their colors? When all life on earth depends on the sun--photosynthesis--and photosynthesis produces chlorophyll in plants, which is green. But some leaves are yellow, or purple.


Flowers - Mamiya rz67 + Ektar 100

Flowers and an insect lost.

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