Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Please discribe the "bract" clearly.? and Agrostis stolonifera

Please discribe the "bract" clearly.?

A bract is a modified or specialized leaf. (WikiPedia)

inflorescence best answer:

Answer by mavster
Some definitions of Bract:

A leaf that seems part of the flower cluster of a plant, or in the case of plants with insignificant flowers, may substitute for it in appearance by its bright coloring. Bougainvilleas are an example of wonderfully colorful bracts.

A modified leaf of an inflorescence. Several bracts form an involucre.

Leaves that develop just below the flowers on some plants. For example, poinsettia bracts, which most people think are the flowers because they turn red, pink, or white.

For more, see:


Agrostis stolonifera

The inflorescence is an open panicle at anthesis where the branches have a distinctively whorled arrangement at each node (distinctive because of how many branches arise from a single node).

Orignal From: Please discribe the "bract" clearly.? and Agrostis stolonifera

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