Wednesday, February 12, 2014

right of light in my garden? and Welcome to Sarasota Jungle Gardens!

right of light in my garden?

i live right by woods. my garden gets some sun in the morning but by early afternoon it gets none. are the council obligated to cut these trees back? the woods start about 10 ft from my garden fence.
i cant trim them myself they are about 50 ft high. some taller.
der been here 20 yrs. trees were small. thought the council wld look after them . obviously not. 50 ft trees have fallen in the woods. they still wont do anything. perhaps if someone got hurt then they wld. but then it wld b to late!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Garden best answer:

Answer by bob
You can prune anything that crosses your property line. But no one is obligated to make sure your garden gets sun.


Welcome to Sarasota Jungle Gardens!

At Sarasota Jungle Gardens, all of the animals are well cared for and they proudly note that we exceed the USDA and Florida Fish and Wildlife guidelines. they also have strict requirements for all animal husbandry.

Orignal From: right of light in my garden? and Welcome to Sarasota Jungle Gardens!

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