Saturday, February 1, 2014

Vegetable Garden Vs. Flower Garden? Bugs....? and Blue and White Garden Journals #18

Vegetable Garden Vs. Flower Garden? Bugs....?

Poll. What attracts more pests/bugs a Vegetable Garden or a Flower Garden? And why do you think/know this..

Garden best answer:

Answer by Barbados Chick
Actually, you should grow them together - intergrated pest management - thus providing a variety of ordors/ scents/ colours and so on that confuses the heck out of the bugs and reduces the likelyhood to have any stopping in for a meal.


Blue and White Garden Journals #18

Little Garden Journals, one in blue and one in white. Both approx. 5 x 7", filled with three hand-tied signatures of archival paper, ephemeria, vintage buttons and wallpaper, handmade and scrapbook papers, garden labels and journaling tags.

Fabric, a scrap of printed kraft paper and a lovely french label.

See more at

Orignal From: Vegetable Garden Vs. Flower Garden? Bugs....? and Blue and White Garden Journals #18

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