Monday, February 10, 2014

What are urban Gardens? What are all the aspects of urban gardens? and Vertical Gardening

What are urban Gardens? What are all the aspects of urban gardens?

Urban Gardens:
What could be your potential problems?
What are the benefits?
What do you think about urban gardens, are they bad or good?

Garden best answer:

Answer by Cat
Urban gardens are any gardens grown in an Urban setting. I.E. - in the city.

Potential problems would be the same as rural gardens...plant disease and insect troubles. Possibly more produce spirited away by people who are close at hand.

Benefits might be no deer to much on your plants...though there are still plenty of squirrels and raccoons in cities. other benefits are having fresh produce close at hand. More plants to clean the air. and psychologically, seeing growing, living things is usually more uplifting than looking at an expanse of concrete and asphalt.

Anywhere that you can plant a garden is a good thing. I can thing of no negative aspect of growing things in a city.


Vertical Gardening

Progress with the 'vertical garden'. Basil and tagetes are doing well!

Orignal From: What are urban Gardens? What are all the aspects of urban gardens? and Vertical Gardening

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