Saturday, February 8, 2014

chairman is a fruit........suggestions? and Agrostis stolonifera

chairman is a fruit........suggestions?

inflorescence best answer:

Answer by Brian K
I'm not familiar with chairman. But if it *comes from a flower* and it *contains seeds* then it is a fruit, botanically.

Peas are seeds. Peas in the pod is a fruit. Came from a flower and contains seeds.
Green beans are fruits.
Corn is a fruit.
Strawberries are actually vegetables botanically, and the "seeds" on the surface are actually fruits, each of which contains a tiny seed. The strawberry "flower" is actually an inflorescence of many tiny flowers.
Zucchini, pumpkin, and gourds are fruits. They came from flowers and contain seeds.


Agrostis stolonifera

The inflorescence is an open panicle at anthesis where the branches have a distinctively whorled arrangement at each node (distinctive because of how many branches arise from a single node).

Orignal From: chairman is a fruit........suggestions? and Agrostis stolonifera

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