Saturday, February 8, 2014

When does tropical milkweed bloom? and New Bloom

When does tropical milkweed bloom?

I got tropical milkweed saplings this year and they have now grown to 7-13" in height, do you know how long it will take before the start blooming? They are planted in pots for me to take inside since I live in z5b.

bloom best answer:

Answer by lgd
Blooms late June through July


New Bloom

I have only been watching this Witch Hazel cultivar, called 'Jelena' for two or three years but my earliest find of blooms was March 4th so the opening on January 20 was way too early. Other early flowers found on some Viburnums froze and turned brown last week. I wonder what these flowers will look like next week.

Orignal From: When does tropical milkweed bloom? and New Bloom

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