Friday, February 7, 2014

Do home maintained Orchids (phalaenopsis) bloom again? and pink-flower-bloom-tree

Do home maintained Orchids (phalaenopsis) bloom again?

What happens when all the blooms fade and fall off. Am I to cut off the now empty bloom stalk? Is it possible that this lovely "Moth Orchid" will bloom again with continued care in the home environment. Anything special I need to know or to do to keep it happy?

bloom best answer:

Answer by Texperson
Some good info at the link. I've had one for two years now. After the store provided bloom stalk died I cut it off down to where it met the plant. It has grown new leaves and new roots after I repotted it in a slightly larger pot with orchid bark and followed the instructions at the link. I'm still waiting for another bloom stalk. The bloom stalks are hard to come by in a home environment, but I try......and am still waiting.



Spring Flowers in Bloom

ForestWander Flower Nature Photography

Orignal From: Do home maintained Orchids (phalaenopsis) bloom again? and pink-flower-bloom-tree

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