Friday, February 7, 2014

what are the tropical flowers/plants...? and October Flowers

what are the tropical flowers/plants...?

that is hard to produce flower?

flower best answer:

Answer by mark
Do I understand the question correctly? Are you looking for a tropical plant that is very difficult to get flowers from?

Here's an extreme and interesting example. Rafflesia is the largest flower in the world. The flowers may be over 100 cm in diameter, and weigh up to 10 kg. However, the plant has not been grown in cultivation. It lives in the forest in Southeast Asia, in the roots of host plants. It is a parasite, and has no stems, leaves or true roots. It flowers rarely, and that is the part of the only part of the plant that is ever seen. It is often located by its overpowering stench.

Edit: I did some more looking and found that people were able to cultivate a Rafflesia plant and get it to bloom in 2004. Cultivation of the plant has been attempted since 1929--this is the first success. See the second reference.


October Flowers

A new flowers in city park::))
Have a lovely day and evening!
Thanks for your visits and comments!

Orignal From: what are the tropical flowers/plants...? and October Flowers

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