Wednesday, February 12, 2014

If I cut the sunflower bloom now will it encourage more growth? and Can it bloom in December?

If I cut the sunflower bloom now will it encourage more growth?

I planted around 100 sunflowers. They are indoors and they are doing great maybe a little to great. I planted them for my upcoming wedding on August 1st, but they are getting buds, and around 10 are in full out blooms. I know the bloom sticks around for a while maturing into seeds, but I don't want seeds. I just want beautiful blooms. So if I cut the blooms now will another one come again? or should I just try and slow down the bloom maturing?

bloom best answer:

Answer by marysunshine
The blooms you have there are the only blooms you will have. There is nothing you can do to change the way they are growing. Do not cut them off.

If you have 10 blooming now and you planted 90 more... around August the 1st you should have plenty of fully bloomed sunflowers for your summer wedding.



Can it bloom in December?

A tiny delicate bloom is trying to find happiness - alone in Boston in late December.

Orignal From: If I cut the sunflower bloom now will it encourage more growth? and Can it bloom in December?

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