How to grow a veggie garden?
Okay this is the first for me,
i want to start a veggie garden and i do not know how to.
does anyone know of a site i can go to that would tell me like what i needed,what season to start it in and how to prepare.
kinda step by step.
im excited to start one..i know i have to wait for winter to go but i can't wait.
i heard that starting from seeds were for people with more i would use plants.
thanks everyone.
Garden best answer: Answer by Cat
Decide what plants you want to grow. What do you like to eat? In the spring, go to your local plant nursery - see what they have available. Some plants are easier to grow by buying plants - some are very very easy just to throw the seeds in the ground - depends what you want to grow.
Since you have to wait for winter to be over anyway, go to the library and grab a big stack of books on vegetable gardening, and look them over. Usually one or two will catch your eye. Spend the winter reading.
In the most simple terms, a veggies garden is:
digging the soil to loosen it up, in a sunny spot.
Plant your veggies.
Pull weeds as they grow.
Water if it doesn't rain.
Watch them grow.
There are tons and tons of details to learn - even after gardening for years and years - there's always more to learn.
I recommend starting small - with just 2 or 3 different kinds. Then add more each year as you learn and become experienced.
Garden mothing 2011 #35, 11 August

Orange Swift, Hepialus sylvina.
A reasonable variety, but quite low numbers:
Orange Swift 1 NFY
Small Blood-vein 1
Small Dusty Wave 1
Single-dotted Wave 1
Riband Wave 4
Red Twin-spot Carpet 1
Dark-barred Twin-spot Carpet 1
Garden Carpet 1
Common Carpet 7
Yellow Shell 2
Wormwood Pug 1
Tawny Speckled Pug 1 NFY
Willow Beauty 10
Dingy Footman 2
Buff Ermine 1
Ruby Tiger 2
Shuttle-shaped Dart 3
Flame-shoulder 1
Large Yellow Underwing 14
Lesser Yellow Underwing 5
Broad-bordered Yellow Underwing 1 NFY
Lesser Broad-bordered Yellow Underwing 11
Setaceous Hebrew Character 1
Six-striped Rustic 2 NFY
Nutmeg 1
The Clay 1
Marbled Beauty 2
Dark Arches 3
Cloaked Minor 2
Common Rustic agg. 9
Dusky Sallow 1 NFY
Flounced Rustic 2 NFY
Burnished Brass 1
Straw Dot 9
Fan-foot 1
In addition, 23 species of identified micros were found in the trap.
Orignal From:
How to grow a veggie garden? and Garden mothing 2011 #35, 11 August