Sunday, March 23, 2014

What species of rose is this? and Luzula campestris

What species of rose is this?

Here's the picture. The picture was taken in Singapore. I've tried to discern what species it is to no avail. As I need this for a biology assignment, any help would be greatly appreciated.

inflorescence best answer:

Answer by gardengallivant
There are several sites just to help with this problem and Roger's roses has some on the best photos for species as well as the hybrids.

To determine the ID The entire plant must be considered. How tall is the plant? Is it erect in growth or arching. Does it grow upright without support, or trail after reaching a foot or two in height? Are the thorns straight or hooked, falcate if hooked like a sickle; strong or weak (easily pushed off); placed singly or in pairs; scattered or just below a leaf base or both; broad or narrow at the base?
How many leaflets per leaf? In Chinese roses the terminal (end) leaflet is often larger than the others. What is the color, texture, shape and edge like?

Petals may be:
Round ( lobular).
Cordate heart-shaped at the outer edge).
Truncate (cut off straight, making a triangular petal).
Emarginate (with a definite notch in the margin).
They may be thin in texture or thick; soft or quite stiff.
The group of Chinese roses are called Indicae and Mrs F. Keays described them in 1938 to the American Rose Society ...
"Rosa anemoneflora, a rose brought from China has 3 to 5 narrow, acuminate, finely serrate leaflets (mostly 3), glabrous above, glaucous beneath; small pinkish blooms, with outer petals round and inner petals narrow and ragged, and pistils united in a column. Inflorescence is in a corymb."
Rosa indica and Rosa semperflorens are also from China.
"R. indica, Old Blush China, Pink Daily, has 3 to 5 leaflets, simply serrate, with adnate stipules, the small ovate free tips having ciliate glands. The moder-ately tall, arching stalk. with glaucous green bark, has uniform red, hooked prickles. Sepals are long, pointed, usually pinnate. Hips are ovoid, red, smooth when ripe. Flowers are double, rather irregularly cupped, pink, slightly fragrant, 1 to 5 in a corymb. It is a constant bloomer. "
"R. semperflorens, the red China, Sanguinea, has more slender stalks and branches, slimmer red prickles, darker wood and foliage; leaflets 5 to 7, tinted with purple. Flowers are double, more neatly cupped, often solitary, of a deep rich crimson."


Luzula campestris

The inflorescence of this species is distinctive in comprising several spike arrange more or less in digitate fashion.

Orignal From: What species of rose is this? and Luzula campestris

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