Friday, February 21, 2014

Why are the night-blooming flowers white in color ? and My Night Blooming Cactus

Why are the night-blooming flowers white in color ?

Generally, it is found that night-blooming flowers are white or less colorful. Why are they so?

bloom best answer:

Answer by Chuckney
They are less colourful because they cannot be seen so well, so colours would not attract pollinators as teh colours of daybloomers do.

I'd say they are often white because white stands out best in the dark, so is best for attracting creatures. Night bloomers such as jasmine as also quote often scented for the same reason, they rely on this rather than colour to be pollinated.


My Night Blooming Cactus

Echinopsis subdenudata (Cactaceae)
They bloom one night only.

Orignal From: Why are the night-blooming flowers white in color ? and My Night Blooming Cactus

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