Friday, January 31, 2014

could someone tell me name of the flower? I need its name!? and Leucospermum reflexum var. luteum #8

could someone tell me name of the flower? I need its name!?

here is the picture of the flower.

it's grown in Southeast Asia. It has stronger smell than jasmine.

inflorescence best answer:

Answer by Kitty
I wish I knew, but its beautiful.


Leucospermum reflexum var. luteum #8

Best viewed @ large size

Proteaceae - Western Cape Province, South Africa
Rocket Pincushion; Yellow Rocket Pincushion

Shown: Mature inflorescence with all flowers fully reflexed, suggesting a rocket (or, perhaps, a shuttlecock)

"Leucospermum reflexum is a rounded, silvery grey-leaved shrub up to 4 m tall with either yellow (var. lutea) or deep orange to crimson (var. reflexum) flower heads which flower from spring to midsummer in the southern hemisphere (August to December). The more or less elliptic, simple leaves are covered with dense grey hairs. They are about 20-55 x 5-13 mm, with 2-3 glandular teeth at the tip. The rounded flower heads occur at the ends of the branches and are between 80-100 mm across.

"Each flower is tube-like and made up of velvety floral parts called the perianth segments on which the anthers are placed. These surround the long style which escapes from the tube to form the 'pin' and the perianths then curl away from it. Young flowers are curved to start with, and then bend back toward the stem as they mature. The common name of rocket pincushion is very apt because these downward bent styles look like the fiery tail of a rocket trailing behind it. For the same reason, the Afrikaans name perdekop is a good one as the mature flower head looks like a horse's head with its mane blowing back in the wind." (

Additional views:

Photographed in U.C. Botanical Garden at Berkeley - Berkeley, California

Orignal From: could someone tell me name of the flower? I need its name!? and Leucospermum reflexum var. luteum #8

Mt. Rainier Bloom Time? and Saguaro Cactus Blooms

Mt. Rainier Bloom Time?


I want to know when is the best time in the year to visit Mt. Rainier in WA for the best spring bloom?


bloom best answer:

Answer by Tori
Usually toward the middle to end of July but it varies from one year to the next depending on when the snow melts. Unless the weather is extremely warm in June, it will probably be late July or early August this year.


Saguaro Cactus Blooms

Close-up of saguaro cactus blooms with a deep blue sky of the Arizona desert in the month of May.!i=18... (C) 2012 - All Rights Reserved. 1-888-682-0122

Orignal From: Mt. Rainier Bloom Time? and Saguaro Cactus Blooms

Main characteristics of flowering and non flowering plants? and Flower Fields

Main characteristics of flowering and non flowering plants?

What are the main characteristics of flowering and non flowering plants ?

flower best answer:

Answer by josessteele
Quick answer... flowering plants produce seeds... they have a male part stamen that produce the 'male/ sperm' cells and the female part- pistil, produces egg cells. The new plant or seed is a combination of the sperm and egg.
Non-flowering plants don't do this... they usually reproduce through spores... they don't produce flowers... for example ferns...


Flower Fields

The Flower Fields in Carlsbad, California.

Orignal From: Main characteristics of flowering and non flowering plants? and Flower Fields

Tell me something about gardening? and Gibbs Gardens - Ball Ground, Georgia

Tell me something about gardening?

what are your experiences with regard to gardening? Have you been to a garden? How can you define it?

Garden best answer:

Answer by Don
something about gardening. :)


Gibbs Gardens - Ball Ground, Georgia

Here are pictures from our first short visit to this huge new world class garden in Cherokee County, Georgia. I knew it was vast, with millions of daffodils, a fern glade over a mile long, and an enormous series of landscaped ponds in the Japanese style, but what really impressed me was the sheer artistry and imagination with which the whole thing had been carefully put together over thirty years, and the planning that must have gone into designing what will undoubtedly become one of the Souths premier horticultural attractions so that large numbers of people can flow smoothly and comfortably through, with all of their needs anticipated and provided for. It must have taken great patience for Mr. Gibbs to wait until everything was ready before letting the crowds in.

If you have time, you can click on the set: and run the SLIDESHOW in FullScreen Mode to take a quick tour, starting at the Manor House at the top of the hill, and descending through the azaleas and rhododendrons to the Valley Gardens with the series of Japanese ponds and the full size replica of Monet's bridge from Giverney.

Here are a few paragraphs from a recent article in the Atlanta Journal - Constitution and a link to the entire article:

"I have the invoices for 1,350,000 of them, 60 different varieties," said Jim Gibbs, as he looked out across the 50 acres of budding daffodils rushing through the foothills of Mount Oglethorpe.

The only reason he doesn't have receipts for the other several million daffodils is because each year the plants double on their own. On top of that, Gibbs plants a few thousand more bulbs each year, as he has for the past 20 years. Even the American Daffodil Society believes this is the largest display in the nation.

It's just one radiant portion of Gibbs' 300 acre landmark, Gibbs' Gardens, a formerly private estate which he opened to the public this month. Garden clubs, horticulture experts and a privileged few have had some access to the private garden for the nearly 30 years Gibbs has been developing 220 acres of it. Vince Dooley, who became a gardening enthusiast and author after his storied career as the University of Georgia's football coach, has called it one of "Georgia's hidden jewels." He's one of the relative few who have had access to the garden for years.

A landscape architect by training and founder of Atlanta's Gibbs' Landscaping Co., which restored the gardens at the governor's mansion under Gov. Joe Frank Harris, Gibbs set out in 1980 to build a world-class garden that would approach the magnificence of the nation's great destination gardens. To achieve it, he put most, if not all, of his passion and a significant portion of his fortune into the Cherokee County earth, an hour north of Atlanta."

Here is a link to the garden's official website:

Orignal From: Tell me something about gardening? and Gibbs Gardens - Ball Ground, Georgia

what is the difference between ray floret and disc floret? and Leucospermum reflexum var. luteum #8

what is the difference between ray floret and disc floret?

major difference between the two

inflorescence best answer:

Answer by monalisa three
The most common characteristic of all these plants is an inflorescence or flower head; a densely packed cluster of many small, individual flowers, usually called florets (meaning "small flowers").

small flower with a flat strap-shaped corolla usually occupying the peripheral rings of a composite flower
ray flower
The outer perimeter of a flower head like that of a sunflower is composed of florets possessing a long strap-like petal, termed a ligule; these are the ray florets. The inner portion of the flower

The inner portion of the flower head (or disc) is composed of small flowers with tubular corollas; these are the disc florets. The composition of


Leucospermum reflexum var. luteum #8

Best viewed @ large size

Proteaceae - Western Cape Province, South Africa
Rocket Pincushion; Yellow Rocket Pincushion

Shown: Mature inflorescence with all flowers fully reflexed, suggesting a rocket (or, perhaps, a shuttlecock)

"Leucospermum reflexum is a rounded, silvery grey-leaved shrub up to 4 m tall with either yellow (var. lutea) or deep orange to crimson (var. reflexum) flower heads which flower from spring to midsummer in the southern hemisphere (August to December). The more or less elliptic, simple leaves are covered with dense grey hairs. They are about 20-55 x 5-13 mm, with 2-3 glandular teeth at the tip. The rounded flower heads occur at the ends of the branches and are between 80-100 mm across.

"Each flower is tube-like and made up of velvety floral parts called the perianth segments on which the anthers are placed. These surround the long style which escapes from the tube to form the 'pin' and the perianths then curl away from it. Young flowers are curved to start with, and then bend back toward the stem as they mature. The common name of rocket pincushion is very apt because these downward bent styles look like the fiery tail of a rocket trailing behind it. For the same reason, the Afrikaans name perdekop is a good one as the mature flower head looks like a horse's head with its mane blowing back in the wind." (

Additional views:

Photographed in U.C. Botanical Garden at Berkeley - Berkeley, California

Orignal From: what is the difference between ray floret and disc floret? and Leucospermum reflexum var. luteum #8

How to make a cactus bloom? and In Full Bloom

How to make a cactus bloom?

I have different sorts of cacti. They all are in nice sunny warm dry environment. They grow up fast and intensively get "kids". The only thing they don't give - the flowers. Are there any general rules and condition to make any cactus bloom?
I still hope to get the second opinion....

bloom best answer:

Answer by sharp_shooter
it sounds like your cactus is quite happy right now. most cacti need some time before they feel that they are mature enough to make blooms. just give it time and enjoy your prickly friend


In Full Bloom

Flowers from one of the encyclia orchids that we grow... it's a very faithful bloomer and blooms every summer.

I also realized while shooting this that its awkward to shoot orchids outside because the flowers stalks are usually very thin and spindly and even the slightest breeze will tend to sway them... I guess I'm saying that I got a lot of blurry pictures when I shot this plant.

Orignal From: How to make a cactus bloom? and In Full Bloom

Straw flowers-does anyone remember them? and Flower

Straw flowers-does anyone remember them?

Back in the 1970's just about everywhere you could find bouquets of tiny tiny flowers on incredibly thin stalks that were called "straw flowers". Does anyone remember them besides me? Has anyone ever found them for sale any place OTHER than Michaels/Joannes? I remember you could find them all over the place back then, even at grocery store check-out aisles!

flower best answer:

Answer by radio_bast
I think you are all one your own on this one!
My sister may know what you are talking about!



At the Flower Dome. Gardens by the Bay.

Orignal From: Straw flowers-does anyone remember them? and Flower

Schlitterbahn or Moody Gardens? and Garden column from recycled elements

Schlitterbahn or Moody Gardens?

So this summer my mom is taking me and my brother maybe my cousins to Galveston. And 2 attractions i want to go to but my mom said no, ONLY 1. So which one? Never been to Moody Gardens,but have been to Schlitterbahn. But Schlitterbahn my mom never went to or neither so i would like her to choose but she told me to idk

Garden best answer:

Answer by Cat Videos
Schlitterbahn. Moody Gardens= Lame


Garden column from recycled elements

We visited a private garden known as Nancyland! in Northeast Portland as part of today's story tours at the 2008 Garden Writers Association conference.

For more information about this and other gardening topics, visit the UF/IFAS website Gardening Solutions.

Orignal From: Schlitterbahn or Moody Gardens? and Garden column from recycled elements

Thursday, January 30, 2014

When do trees usually bloom? and Pablo Motos y Orlando Bloom se besan

When do trees usually bloom?

It's May 3rd here in Ontario, Canada, and the trees are still mostly bare. I can see little buds growing, but no green leaves so far. What gives?

Unless my memory is faulty, I thought that the plants and trees were supposed to be in full bloom by this time of the year.

bloom best answer:

Answer by jad62
True, but depends on how much moisture was available before winter"hibernation", how rough it was on them, the arrival of warmer temps., and on and on.


Pablo Motos y Orlando Bloom se besan

Pablo Motos y Orlando Bloom, con pelucas de Légolas, se funden en un abrazo-beso.

Orignal From: When do trees usually bloom? and Pablo Motos y Orlando Bloom se besan

Best place for gardening med marijuana? and Botanical Gardens, Akureyri

Best place for gardening med marijuana?

What is a place in america marijuana is legal and is a good place to garden thats in need of marijuanA?

Garden best answer:

Answer by Beauford
A garden


Botanical Gardens, Akureyri

school children in the Botanical Gardens, Akureyri, Iceland

Orignal From: Best place for gardening med marijuana? and Botanical Gardens, Akureyri

names of monocot plant? and Sansevieria sp. Monte Mape - glomerules

names of monocot plant?

inflorescence best answer:

Answer by Anand Golait
Category 1 ) Grains = All cereals such as wheat, rice , maize oats , barley , rye , sorghum come in this category.

Category 2 ) Fruits = Coconut , banana come here .

Category 3 ) vegetables = Onion , garlic ( If you consider them as such as there are many misconceptions about the word vegetable )
Category 4 ) Beans = None as all beans are dicot ,

Category 5 ) Nut = none not even coconut as it is not a true nut .

Category 6 ) Flowers = Amaryllis , canna , Gladiolus , All types of Orchids , Pancratium , crinum , all types of Lilies
and Heliconia .


Sansevieria sp. Monte Mape - glomerules

The inflorescence of Sansevieria consists of an indeterminate raceme with axillary glomerules of fascicled cymes. Normally the cymes are very compact (congested), but in this species the secondary axis is clearly visible. 6 to 9 flowers per glomerule in this species.

Orignal From: names of monocot plant? and Sansevieria sp. Monte Mape - glomerules

When do trees usually bloom? and pale blue bloom

When do trees usually bloom?

It's May 3rd here in Ontario, Canada, and the trees are still mostly bare. I can see little buds growing, but no green leaves so far. What gives?

Unless my memory is faulty, I thought that the plants and trees were supposed to be in full bloom by this time of the year.

bloom best answer:

Answer by jad62
True, but depends on how much moisture was available before winter"hibernation", how rough it was on them, the arrival of warmer temps., and on and on.


pale blue bloom

the stamen of a blue bloom

Orignal From: When do trees usually bloom? and pale blue bloom

Favorite Flower? and Flower Garlands

Favorite Flower?

What is your favorite flower to receive?my b/f sends me wild flowers that are the prettiest!

flower best answer:

Answer by fancy_tea22
I'm partial to the purple tulip.


Flower Garlands

Flower garlands ready for temple

Orignal From: Favorite Flower? and Flower Garlands

Name for a Garden/outdoor Cafe? and Garden vignette with recycled art

Name for a Garden/outdoor Cafe?

I would like to give my shop a very interesting and beautiful name that fits to a garden or outdoor coffee shop.. any ideas?..

Garden best answer:

Answer by NXile
Flies Gotta Eat Too!


Garden vignette with recycled art

We visited a private garden known as Nancyland! in Northeast Portland as part of today's story tours at the 2008 Garden Writers Association conference.

For more information about this and other gardening topics, visit the UF/IFAS website Gardening Solutions.

Orignal From: Name for a Garden/outdoor Cafe? and Garden vignette with recycled art

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

what are characteristics of Gnetophyta? and Chorizanthe brevicornu

what are characteristics of Gnetophyta?

Gnetophyta is consider as a linkage between gymnosperms and angiosperms based on a few characteristics found in gnetophyta.

inflorescence best answer:

Answer by Peter S
Vegetative Characteristics: Plants are trees, shrubs, lianes, or stumpy turnip-like. Leaves are simple, opposite or whorled, strap-like in Welwitschiaceae, angiosperm-like in Gnetaceae, or scale-like in Ephedraceae. Secondary xylem contains vessels, as in angiosperms, although the homology of the vessels in the two phylum is in question.

Reproductive Characteristics: Plants are usually dioecious with "flowers" unisexual in compound strobili or "inflorescences". Female flowers have one (rarely paired), erect ovule, a nucellus of two or three coats, and micropyle projecting as a long tube. The female gametophyte often lacks organized archegonia. Male cone mostly compound, and associated with bracts. Fertilization occurs through pollen-tubes with two male nuclei. Double fertilization is recorded for some members of the phylum as in angiosperms, although the two are not exactly homologous. Insect pollination is likely due to cone exudations .


Chorizanthe brevicornu

The inflorescence bracts are paired, a diagnostic trait of Chorizanthe. The tubular structures are involucres, which enclose typically two flowers. The involucres have about 6 recurved (uncinate) teeth around the distal end (rim of the opening), which is distinctive to a subset of species of Chorizanthe. This species is noted for its erect to ascending growth habit and stems that disarticulate at the nodes by late summer and fall.

Orignal From: what are characteristics of Gnetophyta? and Chorizanthe brevicornu

Why did my beautiful, full, bloom laden, yellow squash plants not produce any vegetables? and Saguaro Cactus Blooms

Why did my beautiful, full, bloom laden, yellow squash plants not produce any vegetables?

I planted a few yellow squash plants last summer in a huge planter on my balcony. The pants got huge, didn't have bugs or disease, got lots of blooms but never developed any squash. I watered them regularly, but not too much, and they got full sun. What happened? Do you have to have bees, or wind to polinate squash plants? That's the only thing I could think of. They had everything else plants need. I want to try again this year with some bush cucumber plants, and I'd kind of like some cucumbers! Ha!

bloom best answer:

Answer by cyndi b


Saguaro Cactus Blooms

Close-up of saguaro cactus blooms with a deep blue sky of the Arizona desert in the month of May.!i=18... (C) 2012 - All Rights Reserved. 1-888-682-0122

Orignal From: Why did my beautiful, full, bloom laden, yellow squash plants not produce any vegetables? and Saguaro Cactus Blooms

How to tell the difference between a crabapple tree and flowering cherry? and Flower

How to tell the difference between a crabapple tree and flowering cherry?

I am having trouble telling the difference between crabapple and cherry trees when they are in blossom. Crabapple flowers come in colors that cherry do also, and the flowers both smell sweet and look so similar. How can I tell them apart?

flower best answer:

Answer by gardengallivant
Flowering crabs (Malus) have serrated leaf margins on simple, ovate to elliptical-oblong leaves arranged alternately. Never glossy. Bark in vertical cracks.

Flowering cherry (Prunus) are doubly serrated on leaf margins on a glossy lance to elliptical shaped leaf. Bark is glossy on some with horizontal lenticel markings that give a split in the bark.



At the Flower Dome, Gardens by the Bay.

Orignal From: How to tell the difference between a crabapple tree and flowering cherry? and Flower

What is a good gardening book for Southern California? and Porch Garden

What is a good gardening book for Southern California?

I wanted to start a vegetable or even a fruit garden and did not have any idea on how to begin. I'm looking for a good beginner's vegetable gardening book that is focused on Southern California- any suggestions would be helpful, thanks so much!

Garden best answer:

Answer by FarmCzar
The Sunset Western Garden Book is the Bible for all California gardeners. It has extensive information on all the microclimate zones in both southern and northern California, and what to plant there. It has an indispensable plant encyclopedia with information on thousands of plants, as well as plant lists (with pictures) for particular gardening situations (e.g., coastal gardens, shade, dry inland gardens, high desert, etc.). If you don't have one, get one, you'll use it probably more than any book specific to southern California.


Porch Garden

Our new garden, 11 feet wide.

Yes, those are my feet... I get queezy enough in high places, let alone standing over a railing on a step stool. I was unable to lean over any farther.

Orignal From: What is a good gardening book for Southern California? and Porch Garden

What is a filament of a flower? and Chorizanthe brevicornu

What is a filament of a flower?

inflorescence best answer:

Answer by pcon2009
In a flower, a filament is "the anther-bearing stalk of a stamen"*. It may help to view the image linked below**.


Chorizanthe brevicornu

The inflorescence bracts are paired, a diagnostic trait of Chorizanthe. The tubular structures are involucres, which enclose typically two flowers. The involucres have about 6 recurved (uncinate) teeth around the distal end (rim of the opening), which is distinctive to a subset of species of Chorizanthe. This species is noted for its erect to ascending growth habit and stems that disarticulate at the nodes by late summer and fall.

Orignal From: What is a filament of a flower? and Chorizanthe brevicornu

What are the fastest blooming flowers? and Aloe Bloom, High Contrast Macro

What are the fastest blooming flowers?

Hey, thanks for your time!
So here is the deal, I am planning to plant a couple of flowers in my balcony and I need them to bloom as quick as possible. I have a few months free and am planning to spread flowers everyday (if possible) around, in my community and maybe go further. Why you might ask, well you know, just for a smile :) So as you could see, I am not getting paid, and I'm funding myself, so the flowers should have low expenses and bloom fast enough.
Your help is certainly appreciated, and if it goes well, be sure that you're part of this good deed. If we could call it that ;)
This might come to help, I'm in Tehran, Iran, and it's pretty cold in here, around 5 degrees C.
Thanks again.

bloom best answer:

Answer by Scott
Native wild flowers ,most would call them weeds, but there are plenty that look very nice.
Here (in Canada) and I'm sure abroad there are communities that grow wild flowers in parks and natural settings.
Flowering weeds or any weed for that matter are the fastest growing things around, when I plant say palm tree seeds in my living room using outdoor soil I didn't sterolize, within a day I have them popping up


Aloe Bloom, High Contrast Macro

A close detail of one of the blooming aloe plants at my home. This tall stalk is so long that the spire with orange flowers bends down and up again to the light. This is brilliant early morning light at the time it catches just this area of the plant, only 1/2 hour before the whole plant is lit up with the famous Arizona sunlight just after dawn. The image is part of a set I've been building for aloe plants, with the best seasonal blooms coming between January and the end of March.

Orignal From: What are the fastest blooming flowers? and Aloe Bloom, High Contrast Macro

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

what is the largest flower in california? and Phytolacca americana #4

what is the largest flower in california?

inflorescence best answer:

Answer by Peter
arnold swartzanager


Phytolacca americana #4

Best viewed @ large size

Phytolaccaceae - Eastern North America
American Pokeweed
Shown: Portion of inflorescence displaying immature fruit

"American Pokeweed (Phytolacca americana) is a large herbaceous perennial plant growing up to 10 feet (3 meters) in height native to eastern North America. It is also known as American nightshade, cancer jalap, coakum, garget, inkberry, pigeon berry, pocan bush, poke root, pokeweed, redweed, scoke, red ink plant and chui xu shang lu (in Chinese medicine). Parts of this plant are highly toxic to livestock and humans, and it is considered a major pest by farmers. Nonetheless, some parts can be used as food, medicine or poison. The plant has a large white taproot, green or red stems, and large, simple leaves. White flowers are followed by purple to almost black berries, which are a good food source for songbirds such as Northern Cardinal, Brown Thrasher, and Northern Mockingbird.

"Flowers: The flowers have 5 regular parts with upright stamens and are up to 0.2 inches wide. They have white petal-like sepals without true petals, on white pedicles and peduncles in an upright or drooping raceme, which darken as the plant fruits. Blooms first appear in early summer and continue into early fall.

"Fruit: A shiny dark purple berry held in racemous clusters on pink pedicles with a pink peduncle. Pedicles without berries have a distinctive rounded five part calyx. Berries are pomes, round with a flat indented top and bottom. Immature berries are green, turning white and then blackish purple." (Wikipedia)

Additional views:

Photographed in San Francisco Botanical Garden - San Francisco, California

Orignal From: what is the largest flower in california? and Phytolacca americana #4

Can plants still grow even when their flowers are dying? and Flowers

Can plants still grow even when their flowers are dying?

I need an answer fast. I have a primrose and its flowers are dying, but its leaves are straight and tall.

flower best answer:

Answer by Stinky Felix
yes, it can grow.
flowers are just temporary structures used for reproduction.
the real business of the plant is to grow.



Display at the Flower Dome, Gardens by the Bay.

Orignal From: Can plants still grow even when their flowers are dying? and Flowers

Where can I find information on organic gardening for patios? and Garden Quad Trees with Benches

Where can I find information on organic gardening for patios?

I live in an apartment, but grew up in the country. One thing I miss about that was having the space to have a garden. I also live in Arizona (moved from Louisiana) so the climate is much different from what I'm used to.

Does anyone know where I can find any information on starting an organic, edible garden with limited space, such as on a patio?

Garden best answer:

Answer by Dawn K
I would check this site:


Garden Quad Trees with Benches

Balliol's Garden Quad early on a Snowy April morning
View Big On Black

G2 E

Orignal From: Where can I find information on organic gardening for patios? and Garden Quad Trees with Benches

Why is grass the most common plant? and Nature patterns

Why is grass the most common plant?

inflorescence best answer:

Answer by Captain Obvious
Because 7 ate 9.


Nature patterns

Gazania inflorescence

Gazania is native to Southern Africa and is widely cultivated as ornamental garden plants around the world. The genus was first formally described by German botanist Joseph Gaertner in 1791. Gaertner named the genus after Theodorus Gaza, a 15th-century translator of the works of Theophrastus.

Orignal From: Why is grass the most common plant? and Nature patterns

What are the fastest blooming flowers? and Hosta Blooms | 187/365

What are the fastest blooming flowers?

Hey, thanks for your time!
So here is the deal, I am planning to plant a couple of flowers in my balcony and I need them to bloom as quick as possible. I have a few months free and am planning to spread flowers everyday (if possible) around, in my community and maybe go further. Why you might ask, well you know, just for a smile :) So as you could see, I am not getting paid, and I'm funding myself, so the flowers should have low expenses and bloom fast enough.
Your help is certainly appreciated, and if it goes well, be sure that you're part of this good deed. If we could call it that ;)
This might come to help, I'm in Tehran, Iran, and it's pretty cold in here, around 5 degrees C.
Thanks again.

bloom best answer:

Answer by Scott
Native wild flowers ,most would call them weeds, but there are plenty that look very nice.
Here (in Canada) and I'm sure abroad there are communities that grow wild flowers in parks and natural settings.
Flowering weeds or any weed for that matter are the fastest growing things around, when I plant say palm tree seeds in my living room using outdoor soil I didn't sterolize, within a day I have them popping up


Hosta Blooms | 187/365

The hostas have started to send up their shoots and the blooms are just starting. Seems a bit early this year but I'm not sure. 2011YIP


View my 365 project here.

Orignal From: What are the fastest blooming flowers? and Hosta Blooms | 187/365

Who knows of any good gardening websites? and Gibbs Gardens - Ball Ground, Georgia

Who knows of any good gardening websites?

I am a novice gardened just having started really getting into this year. I am looking for people to chat with for different ideas and creative approaches for my garden or to give ideas to others. Or informative websites that arent chock full of big words that I dont understand. If ya can help me out I would appreciate it. Thank you and have a great day!

Garden best answer:

Answer by mel s
HGTV and Southern Living


Gibbs Gardens - Ball Ground, Georgia

Here are pictures from our first short visit to this huge new world class garden in Cherokee County, Georgia. I knew it was vast, with millions of daffodils, a fern glade over a mile long, and an enormous series of landscaped ponds in the Japanese style, but what really impressed me was the sheer artistry and imagination with which the whole thing had been carefully put together over thirty years, and the planning that must have gone into designing what will undoubtedly become one of the Souths premier horticultural attractions so that large numbers of people can flow smoothly and comfortably through, with all of their needs anticipated and provided for. It must have taken great patience for Mr. Gibbs to wait until everything was ready before letting the crowds in.

If you have time, you can click on the set: and run the SLIDESHOW in FullScreen Mode to take a quick tour, starting at the Manor House at the top of the hill, and descending through the azaleas and rhododendrons to the Valley Gardens with the series of Japanese ponds and the full size replica of Monet's bridge from Giverney.

Here are a few paragraphs from a recent article in the Atlanta Journal - Constitution and a link to the entire article:

"I have the invoices for 1,350,000 of them, 60 different varieties," said Jim Gibbs, as he looked out across the 50 acres of budding daffodils rushing through the foothills of Mount Oglethorpe.

The only reason he doesn't have receipts for the other several million daffodils is because each year the plants double on their own. On top of that, Gibbs plants a few thousand more bulbs each year, as he has for the past 20 years. Even the American Daffodil Society believes this is the largest display in the nation.

It's just one radiant portion of Gibbs' 300 acre landmark, Gibbs' Gardens, a formerly private estate which he opened to the public this month. Garden clubs, horticulture experts and a privileged few have had some access to the private garden for the nearly 30 years Gibbs has been developing 220 acres of it. Vince Dooley, who became a gardening enthusiast and author after his storied career as the University of Georgia's football coach, has called it one of "Georgia's hidden jewels." He's one of the relative few who have had access to the garden for years.

A landscape architect by training and founder of Atlanta's Gibbs' Landscaping Co., which restored the gardens at the governor's mansion under Gov. Joe Frank Harris, Gibbs set out in 1980 to build a world-class garden that would approach the magnificence of the nation's great destination gardens. To achieve it, he put most, if not all, of his passion and a significant portion of his fortune into the Cherokee County earth, an hour north of Atlanta."

Here is a link to the garden's official website:

Orignal From: Who knows of any good gardening websites? and Gibbs Gardens - Ball Ground, Georgia

Monday, January 27, 2014

What the actual fuck is a sand burr? and Losbaum (Clerodendrum bungei)

What the actual fuck is a sand burr?

inflorescence best answer:

Answer by Moe
It seems to be a type of grass or weed.

"Field sandbur (grassbur) is a summer annual grassy weed that can be found in home lawns, sports fields, parks and along roadsides. This weed is especially adapted to dry, sandy soils but can be found growing in other types of soils as well. The big problem with this weed is the sharp, spiny burs that are part of the inflorescence. These burs can be painful and are difficult to remove from clothing material. Field sandburs (grassburs) generally start germinating in late spring and will continue to germinate until late summer or early fall months. This weed will continue to grow until the first hard frost or freeze occurs in the fall."


Losbaum (Clerodendrum bungei)

Inflorescence - Blütenstand

Riesiger Blütenstand im Schmetterlingspark Wittenberg, eigentlich auch gut besucht, aber nur von sehr schnellen und unruhigen Geistern, die nicht mit auf´s Bild wollten.

Orignal From: What the actual fuck is a sand burr? and Losbaum (Clerodendrum bungei)

What are the fastest blooming flowers? and In Full Bloom

What are the fastest blooming flowers?

Hey, thanks for your time!
So here is the deal, I am planning to plant a couple of flowers in my balcony and I need them to bloom as quick as possible. I have a few months free and am planning to spread flowers everyday (if possible) around, in my community and maybe go further. Why you might ask, well you know, just for a smile :) So as you could see, I am not getting paid, and I'm funding myself, so the flowers should have low expenses and bloom fast enough.
Your help is certainly appreciated, and if it goes well, be sure that you're part of this good deed. If we could call it that ;)
This might come to help, I'm in Tehran, Iran, and it's pretty cold in here, around 5 degrees C.
Thanks again.

bloom best answer:

Answer by Scott
Native wild flowers ,most would call them weeds, but there are plenty that look very nice.
Here (in Canada) and I'm sure abroad there are communities that grow wild flowers in parks and natural settings.
Flowering weeds or any weed for that matter are the fastest growing things around, when I plant say palm tree seeds in my living room using outdoor soil I didn't sterolize, within a day I have them popping up


In Full Bloom

Flowers from one of the encyclia orchids that we grow... it's a very faithful bloomer and blooms every summer.

I also realized while shooting this that its awkward to shoot orchids outside because the flowers stalks are usually very thin and spindly and even the slightest breeze will tend to sway them... I guess I'm saying that I got a lot of blurry pictures when I shot this plant.

Orignal From: What are the fastest blooming flowers? and In Full Bloom

What flowers survive best with alot of sunlight? and Flower show

What flowers survive best with alot of sunlight?

I live on a street that runs east and west, so the sun hits my yard all day. I still would like to plant flowers, but I am afraid that too much sun will hurt them. What kind of flowers can I plant that will thrive in all of that sunlight?

flower best answer:

Answer by soph..


Flower show

Chennai Flower show May 2009

Orignal From: What flowers survive best with alot of sunlight? and Flower show

Who knows of any good gardening websites? and Gibbs Gardens - Ball Ground, Georgia

Who knows of any good gardening websites?

I am a novice gardened just having started really getting into this year. I am looking for people to chat with for different ideas and creative approaches for my garden or to give ideas to others. Or informative websites that arent chock full of big words that I dont understand. If ya can help me out I would appreciate it. Thank you and have a great day!

Garden best answer:

Answer by mel s
HGTV and Southern Living


Gibbs Gardens - Ball Ground, Georgia

Here are pictures from our first short visit to this huge new world class garden in Cherokee County, Georgia. I knew it was vast, with millions of daffodils, a fern glade over a mile long, and an enormous series of landscaped ponds in the Japanese style, but what really impressed me was the sheer artistry and imagination with which the whole thing had been carefully put together over thirty years, and the planning that must have gone into designing what will undoubtedly become one of the Souths premier horticultural attractions so that large numbers of people can flow smoothly and comfortably through, with all of their needs anticipated and provided for. It must have taken great patience for Mr. Gibbs to wait until everything was ready before letting the crowds in.

If you have time, you can click on the set: and run the SLIDESHOW in FullScreen Mode to take a quick tour, starting at the Manor House at the top of the hill, and descending through the azaleas and rhododendrons to the Valley Gardens with the series of Japanese ponds and the full size replica of Monet's bridge from Giverney.

Here are a few paragraphs from a recent article in the Atlanta Journal - Constitution and a link to the entire article:

"I have the invoices for 1,350,000 of them, 60 different varieties," said Jim Gibbs, as he looked out across the 50 acres of budding daffodils rushing through the foothills of Mount Oglethorpe.

The only reason he doesn't have receipts for the other several million daffodils is because each year the plants double on their own. On top of that, Gibbs plants a few thousand more bulbs each year, as he has for the past 20 years. Even the American Daffodil Society believes this is the largest display in the nation.

It's just one radiant portion of Gibbs' 300 acre landmark, Gibbs' Gardens, a formerly private estate which he opened to the public this month. Garden clubs, horticulture experts and a privileged few have had some access to the private garden for the nearly 30 years Gibbs has been developing 220 acres of it. Vince Dooley, who became a gardening enthusiast and author after his storied career as the University of Georgia's football coach, has called it one of "Georgia's hidden jewels." He's one of the relative few who have had access to the garden for years.

A landscape architect by training and founder of Atlanta's Gibbs' Landscaping Co., which restored the gardens at the governor's mansion under Gov. Joe Frank Harris, Gibbs set out in 1980 to build a world-class garden that would approach the magnificence of the nation's great destination gardens. To achieve it, he put most, if not all, of his passion and a significant portion of his fortune into the Cherokee County earth, an hour north of Atlanta."

Here is a link to the garden's official website:

Orignal From: Who knows of any good gardening websites? and Gibbs Gardens - Ball Ground, Georgia

What the actual fuck is a sand burr? and Losbaum (Clerodendrum bungei)

What the actual fuck is a sand burr?

inflorescence best answer:

Answer by Moe
It seems to be a type of grass or weed.

"Field sandbur (grassbur) is a summer annual grassy weed that can be found in home lawns, sports fields, parks and along roadsides. This weed is especially adapted to dry, sandy soils but can be found growing in other types of soils as well. The big problem with this weed is the sharp, spiny burs that are part of the inflorescence. These burs can be painful and are difficult to remove from clothing material. Field sandburs (grassburs) generally start germinating in late spring and will continue to germinate until late summer or early fall months. This weed will continue to grow until the first hard frost or freeze occurs in the fall."


Losbaum (Clerodendrum bungei)

Inflorescence - Blütenstand

Riesiger Blütenstand im Schmetterlingspark Wittenberg, eigentlich auch gut besucht, aber nur von sehr schnellen und unruhigen Geistern, die nicht mit auf´s Bild wollten.

Orignal From: What the actual fuck is a sand burr? and Losbaum (Clerodendrum bungei)

How do you make a pressed flower picture? and Flower

How do you make a pressed flower picture?

i wanr to preserve a bunch of flowers and put them in a picture frame and give them to my mom. is there any ideas? what should i use to glue them down? what flowers? what should the back ground be?

flower best answer:

Answer by Funloving
What ever flowers are your mother's favorite! The glass will keep the flowers pressed, the frame will have to be a special type for this type of arrangement.

If you don't do the special frame, then a spray adhesive will keep most flowers in place, but regular craft glue is fine! The flowers need to be pressed for some time before they are ready to be framed, so that choice is first. Good luck I'm sure she will love them!



This was shot in my wife's uncle's house in Markham, Canada during Chinese new year's day.

Not sure about the plant's name, but its mostly flat thick leaves coming out of the same point at the root level [almost desert plant types], but out of no where these lovely bright orange-red flowers sprung up.

Will appreciate if someone could educate me about these.

Orignal From: How do you make a pressed flower picture? and Flower

Are there garden flowers that are known for attracting butterflies? and Garden of delusions

Are there garden flowers that are known for attracting butterflies?

My mom is wanting to plant an outback garden again and she's wondering what flowers attract butterflies. Thanks to all who answer.

Garden best answer:

Answer by GARY G


Garden of delusions

Botanical Garden, Porto.
Postcard from homeplace.*

Orignal From: Are there garden flowers that are known for attracting butterflies? and Garden of delusions

Sunday, January 26, 2014

what are some flowers that like full sun? and DIAMANTS

what are some flowers that like full sun?

are roses?
i want a perennial

inflorescence best answer:

Answer by shadowatdustcatcher



Inflorescences Mâles et Femelles

Aulne noir, Vergne
Common alder
Alnus glutinosa

Orignal From: what are some flowers that like full sun? and DIAMANTS

What are the fastest blooming flowers? and Aloe Bloom, High Contrast Macro

What are the fastest blooming flowers?

Hey, thanks for your time!
So here is the deal, I am planning to plant a couple of flowers in my balcony and I need them to bloom as quick as possible. I have a few months free and am planning to spread flowers everyday (if possible) around, in my community and maybe go further. Why you might ask, well you know, just for a smile :) So as you could see, I am not getting paid, and I'm funding myself, so the flowers should have low expenses and bloom fast enough.
Your help is certainly appreciated, and if it goes well, be sure that you're part of this good deed. If we could call it that ;)
This might come to help, I'm in Tehran, Iran, and it's pretty cold in here, around 5 degrees C.
Thanks again.

bloom best answer:

Answer by Scott
Native wild flowers ,most would call them weeds, but there are plenty that look very nice.
Here (in Canada) and I'm sure abroad there are communities that grow wild flowers in parks and natural settings.
Flowering weeds or any weed for that matter are the fastest growing things around, when I plant say palm tree seeds in my living room using outdoor soil I didn't sterolize, within a day I have them popping up


Aloe Bloom, High Contrast Macro

A close detail of one of the blooming aloe plants at my home. This tall stalk is so long that the spire with orange flowers bends down and up again to the light. This is brilliant early morning light at the time it catches just this area of the plant, only 1/2 hour before the whole plant is lit up with the famous Arizona sunlight just after dawn. The image is part of a set I've been building for aloe plants, with the best seasonal blooms coming between January and the end of March.

Orignal From: What are the fastest blooming flowers? and Aloe Bloom, High Contrast Macro

do coconut trees have to be pollinated by another tree to produce coconuts? and Artemisia tridentata wyomingensis

do coconut trees have to be pollinated by another tree to produce coconuts?

inflorescence best answer:

Answer by sweetangle
yes. it's just like any other plant. there's a male and female coconut tree. the female though is the only one that will actually produce coconuts.


Artemisia tridentata wyomingensis

Inflorescences can be numerous and dense on a sigle individual but this may be more common along roadsides were moisture conditions are more favorable to producing such growth (as is the case with this individual).

Orignal From: do coconut trees have to be pollinated by another tree to produce coconuts? and Artemisia tridentata wyomingensis

What's the best way to send flowers to someone in the Philippines? and flowering

What's the best way to send flowers to someone in the Philippines?

I need to send flowers to someone in Bulacan. What is the best reliable way?

flower best answer:

Answer by Paula12481632
Use Interflora or some similar company. Basically they arrange the flowers you want from a local florist.



I don't know what this is. it's about to be a flower by my front steps though. so that's pretty much only going to be a good thing.

even if it's a weed, it's pretty.

Orignal From: What's the best way to send flowers to someone in the Philippines? and flowering

How do i grow my own vestable garden? and Chinese Garden - Singapore

How do i grow my own vestable garden?

I live In the Bay Area, California. We get plenty of sun now. I would like to grow some tomatoes and other vestables such as peppers and cucumbers and so on.
How do i get started? I have picked a spot for the garden with the most sun, however, the dirt is not very good there, it's very dry. How much compost should i mix in and is it too late for me to grow a vestable garden??

Garden best answer:

Answer by Ari's Man
Try here. It's my favorite site for gardening.


Chinese Garden - Singapore

Chinese Garden (Chinese: 裕华园), also commonly known as Jurong Gardens, is a park in Jurong East, Singapore. Built in 1975.

Orignal From: How do i grow my own vestable garden? and Chinese Garden - Singapore

Saturday, January 25, 2014

do coconut trees have to be pollinated by another tree to produce coconuts? and Artemisia tridentata wyomingensis

do coconut trees have to be pollinated by another tree to produce coconuts?

inflorescence best answer:

Answer by sweetangle
yes. it's just like any other plant. there's a male and female coconut tree. the female though is the only one that will actually produce coconuts.


Artemisia tridentata wyomingensis

Inflorescences can be numerous and dense on a sigle individual but this may be more common along roadsides were moisture conditions are more favorable to producing such growth (as is the case with this individual).

Orignal From: do coconut trees have to be pollinated by another tree to produce coconuts? and Artemisia tridentata wyomingensis

what was the most expensive flower shop in New York in the 80s? and Flowering on the rocks

what was the most expensive flower shop in New York in the 80s?

I'm looking for the most famous or expensive flower shop in Manhattan that was open in the 80s. Like, if a rich man wanted to send a woman flowers, where would he go?

flower best answer:

Answer by mahleezah
Floralia Decorators, Inc., specializes in high-profile corporate, social, and private event planning as well as in the design of personal and business flower arrangements. Visit them at, or call 212-872-4581. Located on East 50th Street, adjacent to The Waldorf Towers entrance


Flowering on the rocks

flowers by
roc by
background by
foliage by
created for digital challange 139

Orignal From: what was the most expensive flower shop in New York in the 80s? and Flowering on the rocks

Whats the difference between gardening tools and gardening equipment?? and Gibbs Gardens - Ball Ground, Georgia

Whats the difference between gardening tools and gardening equipment??

Please help me with this, i also need a list of gardening equipment..or where i can find them..

Garden best answer:

Answer by Shyguy
Doesn't "Equipment" imply that this is machinery, like roto-tillers, tractor diggers, etc.


Gibbs Gardens - Ball Ground, Georgia

Here are pictures from our first short visit to this huge new world class garden in Cherokee County, Georgia. I knew it was vast, with millions of daffodils, a fern glade over a mile long, and an enormous series of landscaped ponds in the Japanese style, but what really impressed me was the sheer artistry and imagination with which the whole thing had been carefully put together over thirty years, and the planning that must have gone into designing what will undoubtedly become one of the Souths premier horticultural attractions so that large numbers of people can flow smoothly and comfortably through, with all of their needs anticipated and provided for. It must have taken great patience for Mr. Gibbs to wait until everything was ready before letting the crowds in.

If you have time, you can click on the set: and run the SLIDESHOW in FullScreen Mode to take a quick tour, starting at the Manor House at the top of the hill, and descending through the azaleas and rhododendrons to the Valley Gardens with the series of Japanese ponds and the full size replica of Monet's bridge from Giverney.

Here are a few paragraphs from a recent article in the Atlanta Journal - Constitution and a link to the entire article:

"I have the invoices for 1,350,000 of them, 60 different varieties," said Jim Gibbs, as he looked out across the 50 acres of budding daffodils rushing through the foothills of Mount Oglethorpe.

The only reason he doesn't have receipts for the other several million daffodils is because each year the plants double on their own. On top of that, Gibbs plants a few thousand more bulbs each year, as he has for the past 20 years. Even the American Daffodil Society believes this is the largest display in the nation.

It's just one radiant portion of Gibbs' 300 acre landmark, Gibbs' Gardens, a formerly private estate which he opened to the public this month. Garden clubs, horticulture experts and a privileged few have had some access to the private garden for the nearly 30 years Gibbs has been developing 220 acres of it. Vince Dooley, who became a gardening enthusiast and author after his storied career as the University of Georgia's football coach, has called it one of "Georgia's hidden jewels." He's one of the relative few who have had access to the garden for years.

A landscape architect by training and founder of Atlanta's Gibbs' Landscaping Co., which restored the gardens at the governor's mansion under Gov. Joe Frank Harris, Gibbs set out in 1980 to build a world-class garden that would approach the magnificence of the nation's great destination gardens. To achieve it, he put most, if not all, of his passion and a significant portion of his fortune into the Cherokee County earth, an hour north of Atlanta."

Here is a link to the garden's official website:

Orignal From: Whats the difference between gardening tools and gardening equipment?? and Gibbs Gardens - Ball Ground, Georgia

What do you do with an orchid after it blooms ? and Black Tacca - from bract to bracteole

What do you do with an orchid after it blooms ?

inflorescence best answer:

Answer by Toulouse50
Do you know what kind of orchid you have ? If it is a common phalaenopsis, cut the spike just above the node closest to where the first flower grew.Soak the plant in water for a 5 min. period once a week using tapped water. Fertilize once a month .( use 1/2 strength the manufacturer instructs) . Place the plant on a windowsill facing east. Make sure you water the plant weekly! Be patient this time next year it will re-bloom. DO NOT RE-POT THE PLANT, or it will take longer for the plant to re-bloom.( anywhere from 1-2 years) It's okay if the roots are outside the pot. After all orchids are basically air plants. Good Luck.


Black Tacca - from bract to bracteole

Inflorescence bracts of "Black Tacca" bracts sometimes have filiform parts. Organs intermediate between bracteoles (extreme left) and bracts (right) are observed in this taxon. Here some of the bracts, bracteoles and intermediate organs of one inflorescence. My conclusion: Tacca bracteoles are derived from inflorescence bracts. Origin of this plant: Mount Erati. In contrast with Tacca leontopetaloides, bracts of this taxon are folded to the back as is shown here.

Orignal From: What do you do with an orchid after it blooms ? and Black Tacca - from bract to bracteole

What is the old-fashioned green stalk plant that is now blooming with stalks of white blossoms? and Fasciated Blooms

What is the old-fashioned green stalk plant that is now blooming with stalks of white blossoms?

You see these blooming now in June. Used to be planted in yards and still see them in lawns.

bloom best answer:

Answer by Jamie A
Err that could be A LOT of things.

You MIGHT be referring to Lily of the Valley (Convallaria)?


Fasciated Blooms

This gooseneck loosestrife (Lysimachia clethroides) looks strange. It should be pointed, as the lower full bloom is. I've got fasciated blooms and stems on more plants each year.

Orignal From: What is the old-fashioned green stalk plant that is now blooming with stalks of white blossoms? and Fasciated Blooms

what was the most expensive flower shop in New York in the 80s? and Flower

what was the most expensive flower shop in New York in the 80s?

I'm looking for the most famous or expensive flower shop in Manhattan that was open in the 80s. Like, if a rich man wanted to send a woman flowers, where would he go?

flower best answer:

Answer by mahleezah
Floralia Decorators, Inc., specializes in high-profile corporate, social, and private event planning as well as in the design of personal and business flower arrangements. Visit them at, or call 212-872-4581. Located on East 50th Street, adjacent to The Waldorf Towers entrance



Display at The Flower Dome, Gardens by the Bay,

Orignal From: what was the most expensive flower shop in New York in the 80s? and Flower

Friday, January 24, 2014

What is the characteristics of Vanda? and Artemisia pedatifida

What is the characteristics of Vanda?

inflorescence best answer:

Answer by babitha t
Vanda W. Jones ex R. Br. 1820, is a genus in the orchid family (Orchidaceae) which, although not large (about fifty species), is one of the most important florally.

The name "Vanda" is derived from the Sanskrit name for the species Vanda tessellata.

These mostly epiphytic, but sometimes lithophytic or terrestrial orchids are distributed in India, Himalaya, SE Asia, Indonesia, the Philippines, New Guinea, southern China and northern Australia.

The genus has a monopodial growth habit with leaves that are highly variable according to habitat. Some have flat, typically broad, ovoid leaves (strap-leaves), while others have cylindrical (terete), fleshy leaves and are adapted to dry periods. The stems of these orchids vary considerably in size; there are miniature plants and plants with a length of several meters.

There are few to many flattened flowers growing on a lateral inflorescence. Most show a yellow-brown color with brown markings, but they also appear in white, green, orange, red and burgundy shades. The lip has a small spur. Vandas usually bloom every few months and the flowers last for two to three weeks.

This genus is one of the five most horticulturally important orchid genera, because it has some of the most magnificent flowers to be found in the entire orchid family. This has contributed much to the work of hybridists producing flowers for the cut flower market. Vanda coerulea is one of the few botanical orchids with blue flowers (actually a very bluish purple), a property much appreciated for producing interspecific and intergeneric hybrids. Vanda dearei is one of the chief sources of yellow color in Vanda hybrids.

Vanda Miss Joaquim is the National Flower of Singapore.

Many Vanda orchids (especially Vanda coerulea) are endangered, because of habitat destruction. The export of wild-collected specimens of the Blue Orchid (Vanda coerulea) and other wild Vandas is prohibited worldwide, as all orchids are listed on Appendix II of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species.


Artemisia pedatifida

Inflorescences persist into the fall from flowering the peaked during mid summer.

Orignal From: What is the characteristics of Vanda? and Artemisia pedatifida

why do my morning glories not bloom? and Variegated Ginger Blooms

why do my morning glories not bloom?

i planted some morning glories about 2 and 1/2 months ago. they are growing very well but they do not bloom . . . what is the problem?

bloom best answer:

Answer by darryl l
They should bloom, and around this time of year cause I like morning glory plants and I just noticed the other day a few flowers opening up. Maybe the weather were you are is to cool, be patient am sure they will bloom.


Variegated Ginger Blooms

Here is what an open bloom looks like...

Orignal From: why do my morning glories not bloom? and Variegated Ginger Blooms

what was the most expensive flower shop in New York in the 80s? and flowers

what was the most expensive flower shop in New York in the 80s?

I'm looking for the most famous or expensive flower shop in Manhattan that was open in the 80s. Like, if a rich man wanted to send a woman flowers, where would he go?

flower best answer:

Answer by mahleezah
Floralia Decorators, Inc., specializes in high-profile corporate, social, and private event planning as well as in the design of personal and business flower arrangements. Visit them at, or call 212-872-4581. Located on East 50th Street, adjacent to The Waldorf Towers entrance



Little deeds are like little seeds, they grow to flowers or to weeds.
(Daniel D. Palmer)

Orignal From: what was the most expensive flower shop in New York in the 80s? and flowers

What should I plant in my garden this year? and Garden of Morning Calm Starlight Festival

What should I plant in my garden this year?

I have a pretty big area for a backyard garden. I live in Salt Lake City, Utah. I say that , so you know the climate and soil conditions.

Garden best answer:

Answer by MeVsMaradonaVsElvis
Plant a beanstalk.


Garden of Morning Calm Starlight Festival

The Garden of Morning Calm (아침고요수목원) is a huge garden with a different themes every season. In winter, since there are no flowers, the garden holds the lighting festival where the whole garden is lit up in beautiful, colorful lights. The garden is open only until 6pm but during the lighting festival, they will remain open until 9pm on weekends. The festival is called the The Five Color Starlight Exhibit and it runs until March 3, 2013. Admission is 7,000 won.

Orignal From: What should I plant in my garden this year? and Garden of Morning Calm Starlight Festival

Are there Coconut Trees ANYWHERE in Spain? and P Dianthus tenuifolius 1

Are there Coconut Trees ANYWHERE in Spain?

I know it's a dumb question, but my partner's daughter has a project for Spanish class tomorrow. I made coconut maroon cookies and I told her that there are coconut trees over there. I hope I didn't lie, LOL. She is throwing a fit because she wanted to make this other expensive cookie recipe and I have neither the time nor energy at this hour. You are welcome to lie and say they do have coconut trees there, even if they dont, LMAO. THANKS ALL!!!!!

inflorescence best answer:

Answer by cin2win
there are none there

The origins of this plant are the subject of controversy, with most authorities claiming it is native to South Asia (particularly the Ganges Delta), while others claim its origin is in northwestern South America. Fossil records from New Zealand indicate that small, coconut-like plants grew there as long as 15 million years ago. Even older fossils have been uncovered in Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Maharashtra, (India) and the oldest known so far in Khulna, Bangladesh. Regardless of its origin, the coconut has spread across much of the tropics, probably aided in many cases by sea-faring peoples. The fruit is light and buoyant and presumably spread significant distances by marine currents. Fruits collected from the sea as far north as Norway have been found to be viable (and subsequently germinated under the right conditions). In the Hawaiian Islands, the coconut is regarded as a Polynesian introduction, first brought to the islands by early Polynesian voyagers from their homelands in the South Pacific. They are now ubiquitous to most of the planet between 26ºN and 26ºS.

The coconut palm thrives on sandy soils and is highly tolerant of salinity. It prefers areas with abundant sunlight and regular rainfall (1,500 to 2,500 mm annually), which makes colonizing shorelines of the tropics relatively straightforward.[1] Coconuts also need high humidity (70–80%+) for optimum growth, which is why they are rarely seen in areas with low humidity, like the Mediterranean, even where temperatures are high enough (regularly above 24°C). They are very hard to establish in dry climates and cannot grow there without frequent irrigation; in drought conditions, the new leaves do not open well, and older leaves may become desiccated; fruit also tends to be shed.[1] They may grow but not fruit properly in areas where there is not sufficient warmth, like Bermuda.

Coconut palms require warm conditions for successful growth, and are intolerant of cold weather. Optimum growth is with a mean annual temperature of 27°C, and growth is reduced below 21°C. Some seasonal variation is tolerated, with good growth where mean summer temperatures between 28–37 °C, and survival as long as winter temperatures are above 4–12 °C; they will survive brief drops to 0 °C. Severe frost is fatal.[1]

The flowers of the coconut palm are polygamomonoecious, with both male and female flowers in the same inflorescence. Flowering occurs continuously, with female flowers producing seeds. Coconut palms are believed to be largely cross-pollinated, although some dwarf varieties are self-pollinating


P Dianthus tenuifolius 1

Inflorescence of Dianthus tenuifolius; Western Carpathian Mts. (Apuseni) in Romania

Orignal From: Are there Coconut Trees ANYWHERE in Spain? and P Dianthus tenuifolius 1

How do you make a ptessed flowers picture? and Flower chafer

How do you make a ptessed flowers picture?

i wanr to preserve a bunch of flowers and put them in a picture frame and give them to my mom. is there any ideas? what should i use to glue them down? what flowers? what should the back ground be?

flower best answer:

Answer by Emma
One way to preserve flowers and use in crafts is by hanging them to dry. If you decide to preserve your flowers whole, and intact, you will need to decide this before they have fully bloomed. If a flower has opened up too much, when it is dried the petals will fall off. The brighter and more vivid the fresh flower is, the better color it will have as it dries. If you want more intense colors, be sure to start with that trait in the fresh flower. If the dried flower will be used with it's stem, it would be best to wire the stem while the flower is still fresh. Then attach the flower, upside down, to a wire hanger and leave in a dark place for two to three weeks. If the dried flowers will be stored a while before use, cover them with a light material, such as tissue paper to keep the dust off.

Flowers preserved in this way can be used for a variety of purposes. For a special event, such as a wedding, some people want to preserve their bouquets. After following drying instructions bouquets can be placed as a wall hanging next to the wedding photo, in a shadow box, or simply placed on a table or in a hutch. After flowers are dried they can also be put back in a vase and set on a table. If a single flower is preserved, perhaps to save on space, it can be laid over the wedding frame on in front of the wedding photo. Individually dried flowers can also be used when making a wreath.

More on How to Dry Flowers -


Flower chafer

Flower chafers are a group of scarab beetles. The adult insects visit flowers to feed on pollen and nectar or browse the petals. Most of them tend to be hairy and are good pollinators but some species are considered pests.

I believe the flower chafer depicted in this photo belongs to genus Oxythyrea.
UPDATE: Looks like it's Oxythyrea cinctella after all. Thanks to J. Coelho for the identification and Eckehard Roessner and Frank Köhler for the confirmation.

Best viewed Large On Black.
Click here for more photos of flower chafers in my photostream.

I Shot My Macro This Way:
Canon EOS 400D, Canon EF 100mm f/2.8 Macro USM, no flash.
In broad daylight, raising the sensitivity to ISO:400 enabled me to use an f/16 aperture (for a decent depth of field to cover most of the insect), while still maintaining a workable shutter speed (1/320sec). Shot in aperture priority mode, with an exposure bias of -2/3EV, in order not to overexpose the white flower petals.

Orignal From: How do you make a ptessed flowers picture? and Flower chafer