Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Can I use bloom booster fertilizer on all my houseplants? and Where flowers bloom

Can I use bloom booster fertilizer on all my houseplants?

I have "Miracle Gro Bloom Booster" fertilizer powder stuff that you mix in water. Can I use it on all my greenery houseplants if i dilute it?? Or does it need to be stronger?

bloom best answer:

Answer by meanolmaw
bloom booster is fine... most houseplants don't bloom that much, so the 'bloom' part is kinda redundant, but it still contains nitrogen(N), phosphorus(P), and potassium(K) in good enough rates to keep a plant happy.....houseplants prefer the dilute.... and only after spring has begun, when they'll be actively growing again... they've been 'resting' for winter.... mix it according to directions, but then cut it in half with water..... and if you'd fertilize once a month, during the growing season, that's plenty for a non-bloomer....


Where flowers bloom

Colosseum, Rome, Italy

Where flowers bloom
There's no time for tears
of warriors lost
the brave who have fallen
Where flowers bloom
they all but forget
the sacred ground
from where they rise

Orignal From: Can I use bloom booster fertilizer on all my houseplants? and Where flowers bloom

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