Monday, January 27, 2014

What the actual fuck is a sand burr? and Losbaum (Clerodendrum bungei)

What the actual fuck is a sand burr?

inflorescence best answer:

Answer by Moe
It seems to be a type of grass or weed.

"Field sandbur (grassbur) is a summer annual grassy weed that can be found in home lawns, sports fields, parks and along roadsides. This weed is especially adapted to dry, sandy soils but can be found growing in other types of soils as well. The big problem with this weed is the sharp, spiny burs that are part of the inflorescence. These burs can be painful and are difficult to remove from clothing material. Field sandburs (grassburs) generally start germinating in late spring and will continue to germinate until late summer or early fall months. This weed will continue to grow until the first hard frost or freeze occurs in the fall."


Losbaum (Clerodendrum bungei)

Inflorescence - Blütenstand

Riesiger Blütenstand im Schmetterlingspark Wittenberg, eigentlich auch gut besucht, aber nur von sehr schnellen und unruhigen Geistern, die nicht mit auf´s Bild wollten.

Orignal From: What the actual fuck is a sand burr? and Losbaum (Clerodendrum bungei)

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