Saturday, January 25, 2014

What do you do with an orchid after it blooms ? and Black Tacca - from bract to bracteole

What do you do with an orchid after it blooms ?

inflorescence best answer:

Answer by Toulouse50
Do you know what kind of orchid you have ? If it is a common phalaenopsis, cut the spike just above the node closest to where the first flower grew.Soak the plant in water for a 5 min. period once a week using tapped water. Fertilize once a month .( use 1/2 strength the manufacturer instructs) . Place the plant on a windowsill facing east. Make sure you water the plant weekly! Be patient this time next year it will re-bloom. DO NOT RE-POT THE PLANT, or it will take longer for the plant to re-bloom.( anywhere from 1-2 years) It's okay if the roots are outside the pot. After all orchids are basically air plants. Good Luck.


Black Tacca - from bract to bracteole

Inflorescence bracts of "Black Tacca" bracts sometimes have filiform parts. Organs intermediate between bracteoles (extreme left) and bracts (right) are observed in this taxon. Here some of the bracts, bracteoles and intermediate organs of one inflorescence. My conclusion: Tacca bracteoles are derived from inflorescence bracts. Origin of this plant: Mount Erati. In contrast with Tacca leontopetaloides, bracts of this taxon are folded to the back as is shown here.

Orignal From: What do you do with an orchid after it blooms ? and Black Tacca - from bract to bracteole

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