Saturday, January 18, 2014

What do they call the study of plants? ? and Sansevieria sp. Mape 1

What do they call the study of plants? ?

I've always wanted to know about different plants/berries/herbs and their properties and thought it was called Botany. So I went to Amazon and searched "botany books", but it wasn't what I was looking for. It was a lot of cells, structure, and general biology rather than what's safe to eat and what helps with pain. So is it called something else?


inflorescence best answer:

Answer by Karissa


Sansevieria sp. Mape 1

Inflorescences are longe-stalked and the raceme is congested, but not (quite) capitate. Flower pedicels are long (very unlike S. kirkii) and leaves are thick. Here on a termite hill close to Balama in northern Mozambique. Inflorescences are much less common than in the population on Mount Mape.

Orignal From: What do they call the study of plants? ? and Sansevieria sp. Mape 1

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