Monday, January 27, 2014

What are the fastest blooming flowers? and In Full Bloom

What are the fastest blooming flowers?

Hey, thanks for your time!
So here is the deal, I am planning to plant a couple of flowers in my balcony and I need them to bloom as quick as possible. I have a few months free and am planning to spread flowers everyday (if possible) around, in my community and maybe go further. Why you might ask, well you know, just for a smile :) So as you could see, I am not getting paid, and I'm funding myself, so the flowers should have low expenses and bloom fast enough.
Your help is certainly appreciated, and if it goes well, be sure that you're part of this good deed. If we could call it that ;)
This might come to help, I'm in Tehran, Iran, and it's pretty cold in here, around 5 degrees C.
Thanks again.

bloom best answer:

Answer by Scott
Native wild flowers ,most would call them weeds, but there are plenty that look very nice.
Here (in Canada) and I'm sure abroad there are communities that grow wild flowers in parks and natural settings.
Flowering weeds or any weed for that matter are the fastest growing things around, when I plant say palm tree seeds in my living room using outdoor soil I didn't sterolize, within a day I have them popping up


In Full Bloom

Flowers from one of the encyclia orchids that we grow... it's a very faithful bloomer and blooms every summer.

I also realized while shooting this that its awkward to shoot orchids outside because the flowers stalks are usually very thin and spindly and even the slightest breeze will tend to sway them... I guess I'm saying that I got a lot of blurry pictures when I shot this plant.

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