Sunday, January 19, 2014

how do monocots and eudicot seeds germinate in a different way? and Sansevieria sp. Mape 11

how do monocots and eudicot seeds germinate in a different way?

inflorescence best answer:

Answer by Neraj
Monocotyledons or monocots are one of two major groups of flowering plants (angiosperms) that are traditionally recognized, Dicotyledons or dicots being the other. Monocots have been recognized at various taxonomic ranks, and under various names (see below). The APG II system recognizes a clade called "monocots" but does not assign it to a taxonomic rank.

Monocots comprise the majority of agricultural plants in terms of biomass produced. There are between 50,000 and 60,000 species within this group; according to IUCN there are 59,300 species.[1] The largest family in this group (and in the flowering plants as a whole) by number of species are the orchids (family Orchidaceae), with about twenty thousand species. The economically most important family in this group (and in the flowering plants) are the grasses, family Poaceae (Gramineae). These include all the true grains (rice, wheat, maize, etc.), the pasture grasses and the bamboos. This family of the true grasses have evolved in another direction, becoming highly specialized for wind pollination. Grasses produce much smaller flowers, which are gathered in highly visible plumes (inflorescences). Other economically important monocot families are the palm family (Arecaceae), banana family (Musaceae), ginger family (Zingiberaceae) and the Alliaceae, which includes such ubiquitously used vegetables as onions and garlic.

Name, characters
The name monocotyledons is derived from the traditional botanical name Monocotyledones, which derives from the fact that most members of this group have one cotyledon, or embryonic leaf, in their seeds. This as opposed to the traditional Dicotyledones, which typically have two cotyledons. From a diagnostic point of view the number of cotyledons is neither a particularly handy (as they are only present for a very short period in a plant's life), nor totally reliable character.

Nevertheless, monocots are a distinctive group.[1] One of the most noticeable traits is that a monocot's flower is trimerous, with the flower parts in threes or in multiples of three. For example, a monocotyledon's flower typically has three, six, or nine petals. Many monocots also have leaves with parallel veins.

Hypoxis decumbens L. with a typical monocot perigone and parallel leaf venation
[edit] Morphology, compared to the (former) dicotyledons
The traditionally listed differences between monocotyledons and dicotyledons are as follows. This is a broad sketch only, not invariably applicable, as there are a number of exceptions. The differences indicated are more true for monocots versus eudicots, as per the APG II system:

Flowers: In monocots, flowers are trimerous (number of flower parts in a whorl in threes) while in dicots the flowers are tetramerous or pentamerous (flower parts are in fours or fives).

Pollen: In monocots, pollen has one furrow or pore while dicots have three.

Seeds: In monocots, the embryo has one cotyledon while the embryo of the dicot has two.

Stems: In monocots, vascular bundles in the stem are scattered, in dicots arranged in a ring.

Roots: In monocots, roots are adventitious, while in dicots they develop from the radicle.

slice of onion, showing parallel veinsLeaves: In monocots, the major leaf veins are parallel, while in dicots they are reticulate.

However, these differences are not hard and fast: some monocots have characteristics more typical of dicots, and vice-versa. This is in part because "dicots" are a paraphyletic group with respect to monocots, and some dicots may be more closely related to monocots than to other dicots. In particular, several early-branching lineages of "dicots" share "monocot" characteristics, suggesting that these are not defining characters of monocots. When monocots are compared to eudicots, the differences are more concrete.

[edit] Taxonomy
The monocots are considered to form a monophyletic group arising early in the history of the flowering plants. The earliest fossils presumed to be monocot remains date from the early Cretaceous period.

Taxonomists have considerable latitude in naming this group, as the monocots are a group above the rank of family. Article 16 of the ICBN allows either a descriptive name or a name formed from the name of an included family.

Grass sprouting on left (a monocot), showing a single cotyledon. Compared to a dicot (right)Historically, the monocotyledons were named:

Monocotyledoneae in the de Candolle system and the Engler system.
Monocotyledones in the Bentham & Hooker system and the Wettstein system
class Liliopsida in the Takhtajan system and the Cronquist system.
subclass Liliidae in the Dahlgren system and the Thorne system (1992).
clade monocots in the APG system and the APG II system.
Each of the systems mentioned above use their own internal taxonomy for the group. The monocotyledons are famous as a group that is extremely stable in its outer borders (it is a well-defined, coherent group), while in its internal taxonomy is extremely unstable (historically no two authoritative systems have agreed with each other on how the monocotyledons are related to each other).

Recent molecular studies have both confirmed the monophyly of the monocots and helped elucidate relationships within this group. The APG II system does not assign the monocots to a taxonomic rank, instead recognizing a monocots clade. This system recognizes ten orders of monocots and two families of monocots not yet assigned to any order:

clade monocots :
family Petrosaviaceae
order Acorales
order Alismatales
order Asparagales
order Dioscoreales
order Liliales
order Pandanales
clade commelinids:
family Dasypogonaceae
order Arecales
order Commelinales
order Poales
order Zingiberales
The family Hydatellaceae, assigned to order Poales in the APG II system, has since been recognized as being misplaced in the monocots, and instead proves to be most closely related to the water lilies, family Nymphaeaceae.

Eudicots and Eudicotyledons are terms introduced by Doyle & Hotton (1991) to refer to a group of flowering plants that had been called "tricolpates" or "non-Magnoliid dicots" by previous authors. The term means, literally, "true dicotyledons" as it contains the majority of plants that have been considered dicotyledons and have typical dicotyledonous characters. The term "eudicots" has been widely adopted to refer to one of the two major clades of angiosperms, monocots being the other. The remaining dicots are sometimes referred to as paleodicots but this term has not been widely adopted as it does not refer to a monophyletic group.

Another name for the eudicots is tricolpates, a name which refers to the structure of the pollen. The group has tricolpate pollen, or forms derived from it. These pollen have three or more pores set in furrows called colpi. In contrast, most of the other seed plants (that is the gymnosperms, the monocots and the paleodicots) produce monosulcate pollen, with a single pore set in a differently oriented groove called the sulcus. The name "tricolpates" is preferred by some botanists in order to avoid confusion with the dicots, a non-monophyletic group (Judd & Olmstead 2004).

The name eudicots (plural) is used in the APG system, of 1998, and APG II system, of 2003, for classification of angiosperms. It is applied to a clade, a monophyletic group, which includes most of the (former) dicotyledons.

Within the "eudicots" or "tricolpates" the main groups are the "rosids" (core group with the prefix "eu−") and the "asterids" (core group with the prefix "eu−").

eudicots :
core eudicots :
rosids :
eurosids I
eurosids II
asterids :
euasterids I
euasterids II


In more detail, with in each clade some unplaced families and orders (unplaced genera are not mentioned):

clade eudicots
family Buxaceae [+ family Didymelaceae]
family Sabiaceae
family Trochodendraceae [+ family Tetracentraceae]
order Ranunculales
order Proteales
clade core eudicots
family Aextoxicaceae
family Berberidopsidaceae
family Dilleniaceae
order Gunnerales
order Caryophyllales
order Saxifragales
order Santalales
clade rosids
family Aphloiaceae
family Geissolomataceae
family Ixerbaceae
family Picramniaceae
family Strassburgeriaceae
family Vitaceae
order Crossosomatales
order Geraniales
order Myrtales
clade eurosids I
family Zygophyllaceae [+ family Krameriaceae]
family Huaceae
order Celastrales
order Malpighiales
order Oxalidales
order Fabales
order Rosales
order Cucurbitales
order Fagales
clade eurosids II
family Tapisciaceae
order Brassicales
order Malvales
order Sapindales
clade asterids
order Cornales
order Ericales
clade euasterids I
family Boraginaceae
family Icacinaceae
family Oncothecaceae
family Vahliaceae
order Garryales
order Solanales
order Gentianales
order Lamiales
clade euasterids II
family Bruniaceae
family Columelliaceae [+ family Desfontainiaceae]
family Eremosynaceae
family Escalloniaceae
family Paracryphiaceae
family Polyosmaceae
family Sphenostemonacae
family Tribelaceae
order Aquifoliales
order Apiales
order Dipsacales
order Asterales
Note : " + ...." = optional, as a segregate of the previous family.


Sansevieria sp. Mape 11

Inflorescence with a short peduncle (not typical of this taxon) on a termite hill (500 ma.s.) close to Balama.

Orignal From: how do monocots and eudicot seeds germinate in a different way? and Sansevieria sp. Mape 11

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