Friday, January 31, 2014

How to make a cactus bloom? and In Full Bloom

How to make a cactus bloom?

I have different sorts of cacti. They all are in nice sunny warm dry environment. They grow up fast and intensively get "kids". The only thing they don't give - the flowers. Are there any general rules and condition to make any cactus bloom?
I still hope to get the second opinion....

bloom best answer:

Answer by sharp_shooter
it sounds like your cactus is quite happy right now. most cacti need some time before they feel that they are mature enough to make blooms. just give it time and enjoy your prickly friend


In Full Bloom

Flowers from one of the encyclia orchids that we grow... it's a very faithful bloomer and blooms every summer.

I also realized while shooting this that its awkward to shoot orchids outside because the flowers stalks are usually very thin and spindly and even the slightest breeze will tend to sway them... I guess I'm saying that I got a lot of blurry pictures when I shot this plant.

Orignal From: How to make a cactus bloom? and In Full Bloom

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