Wednesday, January 29, 2014

What is a filament of a flower? and Chorizanthe brevicornu

What is a filament of a flower?

inflorescence best answer:

Answer by pcon2009
In a flower, a filament is "the anther-bearing stalk of a stamen"*. It may help to view the image linked below**.


Chorizanthe brevicornu

The inflorescence bracts are paired, a diagnostic trait of Chorizanthe. The tubular structures are involucres, which enclose typically two flowers. The involucres have about 6 recurved (uncinate) teeth around the distal end (rim of the opening), which is distinctive to a subset of species of Chorizanthe. This species is noted for its erect to ascending growth habit and stems that disarticulate at the nodes by late summer and fall.

Orignal From: What is a filament of a flower? and Chorizanthe brevicornu

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