Friday, January 17, 2014

why does my gerbera daisy have green leaves but no blooms? and Golden-bloomed Grey Longhorn

why does my gerbera daisy have green leaves but no blooms?

it keeps getting more new healthy looking leaves, but no blooms! the last 2 blooms actually died without opening, but that was a couple months ago when i got it.
i'll try that. thanks

bloom best answer:

Answer by Connie G
This sounds like a fertilizer issue if there are no other diseases and environmental needs are met. Try to feed the plant a fertilizer high in phosphorus, to spurt flower growth. On a fertilizer bag that would be the second number, like a 5-30-5 mix or anything sold as a "bloom booster"

My gerberas have already bloomed this summer and are now just mounds of green leaves.


Golden-bloomed Grey Longhorn

Golden-bloomed Grey Longhorn
härmejäärä (Agapanthia villosoviridescens)

Orignal From: why does my gerbera daisy have green leaves but no blooms? and Golden-bloomed Grey Longhorn

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