Friday, January 31, 2014

Schlitterbahn or Moody Gardens? and Garden column from recycled elements

Schlitterbahn or Moody Gardens?

So this summer my mom is taking me and my brother maybe my cousins to Galveston. And 2 attractions i want to go to but my mom said no, ONLY 1. So which one? Never been to Moody Gardens,but have been to Schlitterbahn. But Schlitterbahn my mom never went to or neither so i would like her to choose but she told me to idk

Garden best answer:

Answer by Cat Videos
Schlitterbahn. Moody Gardens= Lame


Garden column from recycled elements

We visited a private garden known as Nancyland! in Northeast Portland as part of today's story tours at the 2008 Garden Writers Association conference.

For more information about this and other gardening topics, visit the UF/IFAS website Gardening Solutions.

Orignal From: Schlitterbahn or Moody Gardens? and Garden column from recycled elements

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