Thursday, January 16, 2014

How do I get plants to flower in the house? and Flowers on Flattop

How do I get plants to flower in the house?

Haven't had much luck with plants flowering indoors except with African Violets.

flower best answer:

Answer by Yellow Tail
Critical things to consider:



environmental factors

sun light




Flowers on Flattop

Flowers on Flattop mountain overlooking Anchorage Alaska and Knik Arm (water). Light tone mapping applied in PS. Did a quick hike up Flattop, the most climbed mountain in AK, from Dearmoun rd. I'll have to go back with a real macro lens, theis was taken with the 10-22mm on a 20D. It started raining out of the blue sky on the way out and by the time I had driven to Anchorage (in the distance ~4mi away) Lightening was striking this area. Good timing.

Orignal From: How do I get plants to flower in the house? and Flowers on Flattop

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