Saturday, January 25, 2014

What is the old-fashioned green stalk plant that is now blooming with stalks of white blossoms? and Fasciated Blooms

What is the old-fashioned green stalk plant that is now blooming with stalks of white blossoms?

You see these blooming now in June. Used to be planted in yards and still see them in lawns.

bloom best answer:

Answer by Jamie A
Err that could be A LOT of things.

You MIGHT be referring to Lily of the Valley (Convallaria)?


Fasciated Blooms

This gooseneck loosestrife (Lysimachia clethroides) looks strange. It should be pointed, as the lower full bloom is. I've got fasciated blooms and stems on more plants each year.

Orignal From: What is the old-fashioned green stalk plant that is now blooming with stalks of white blossoms? and Fasciated Blooms

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