Monday, January 20, 2014

Where can I find a gardening chart for Northeast Mississippi, zone 7? and Garden of Morning Calm Starlight Festival

Where can I find a gardening chart for Northeast Mississippi, zone 7?

I've just got into gardening, I was wanting a graph or information on when to plant things. I really like vegatable gardens. I was thinking about starting a winter garden, I just don't know where to start. I'll be really greatful for any help.

Garden best answer:

Answer by exbuilder
This question has gone six days without an answer. Here is my favorite gardening website:

There are hundreds of thousands of websites devoted to gardening. A Yahoo search for "southern gardening" (include the quotation marks) and other similarly worded searches will turn up more site than you care to explore.

Good luck with your search.


Garden of Morning Calm Starlight Festival

The Garden of Morning Calm (아침고요수목원) is a huge garden with a different themes every season. In winter, since there are no flowers, the garden holds the lighting festival where the whole garden is lit up in beautiful, colorful lights. The garden is open only until 6pm but during the lighting festival, they will remain open until 9pm on weekends. The festival is called the The Five Color Starlight Exhibit and it runs until March 3, 2013. Admission is 7,000 won.

Orignal From: Where can I find a gardening chart for Northeast Mississippi, zone 7? and Garden of Morning Calm Starlight Festival

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