Wednesday, January 1, 2014

hakea laurina (pincushion Hakea) adaptations? and Heliconia (rostrata?) inflorescence

hakea laurina (pincushion Hakea) adaptations?

for my biology assignment I have to talk about some adaptations the Hakea laurina (pincushion hakea) has developed and how it benifits and/or hinders the plant.
all I can find is a whole load of scientific babble I can't understand no matter what i search.
even if i find something such as they have inflorescence flowers, i can't find how it benifits the plant.
this is driving me absolutely crazy, part of the problem being the teacher hasn't fully defined what it is were meant to be searching for.
this is my last resort pretty much before i pack it in and give up until I get more specific instructions, but that will set me back...


inflorescence best answer:

Answer by God answers all questions
I can guarantee this truth: If you don't eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you don't have the source of life in you. Those who eat my flesh and drink my blood have eternal life, and I will bring them back to life on the last day.


Heliconia (rostrata?) inflorescence

La Selva Research Station, Costa Rica, run by Organization for Tropical Studies (OTS)

Orignal From: hakea laurina (pincushion Hakea) adaptations? and Heliconia (rostrata?) inflorescence

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