Sunday, January 5, 2014

How do you incorporate 3 flower girls into your wedding ceremony? and Flowering Apple?

How do you incorporate 3 flower girls into your wedding ceremony?

I have 3 flower girls, 3 bridesmaids, and four groomsmen. When there are 2 flower girls they can walk together sprinkling petals but what about 3?

flower best answer:

Answer by White Raven
There are several possibilities. You might have two of them carry your train. If you don't have a train, you might try scattering a couple of different kinds of petals -- the girl in front has one kind, and the other two do a contrasting color to either side and slightly trailing. Of course, if they argue about who's in front, they could all walk together.

Another possibility might be to have one scatter petals and the other two carry boquets, or the reverse (two with petals and one with a special boquet).


Flowering Apple?

Not sure what type of flower this is but it's pretty. One thing I noticed about the flowers on this tree, is that they did not stand out very much and looked rather plain, but when taking this micro shot and once I viewed it on the computer screen I was amazed at the beauty and detail that I overlooked so many times.

Orignal From: How do you incorporate 3 flower girls into your wedding ceremony? and Flowering Apple?

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