Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Is it OK to use Roundup on vegetable garden? and Welcome to Sarasota Jungle Gardens!

Is it OK to use Roundup on vegetable garden?

I am clearing a space for a vegetable garden but there are many weeds. Is it OK to kill them with Roundup before I plant.
I have heard that Roundup breaks down and has no effect on the soil like 2,4D and other herbicides.

Garden best answer:

Answer by Billy Joe Willson
I woundn't use it. It may kill the plants with the chemicals in it.


Welcome to Sarasota Jungle Gardens!

Sarasota Jungle Gardens' animal department staff is comprised of a number of educated, experienced and devoted people. Possessing a variety of specialties, the staff is very familiar with all the "residents," be they birds, mammals or reptiles. Collectively, they personnel have over 50 years of animal-handling experience and education.

Orignal From: Is it OK to use Roundup on vegetable garden? and Welcome to Sarasota Jungle Gardens!

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