Tuesday, January 14, 2014

What is the best product to get rid of flower eating bugs, read:? and Flower

What is the best product to get rid of flower eating bugs, read:?

I grow flowers and have put out slug and snail bait but I have zillions of earwigs, what do you think is the best "bug killer" for especially earwigs and bugs that eat flowers. ? thanks

flower best answer:

Answer by gurneywagon
Try 100% PURE Neem Oil. Insects (including earwigs) do not like the smell so they find somewhere else to go.

It's organic, safe for plants, pets and humans - no - I'm not being paid to endorse the product. Just be sure to get 100% pure Neem oil to ensure that no chemicals have been added.

Good luck with your flowers!



At the Flower Dome, Gardens by the Bay.

Orignal From: What is the best product to get rid of flower eating bugs, read:? and Flower

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