Thursday, January 2, 2014

What is blooming in New England during the fall that looks similar to hydrangea but with smaller leaves? and Lily bloom

What is blooming in New England during the fall that looks similar to hydrangea but with smaller leaves?

The bloom looked a lot like a hydrangea and was crimson in color. The limbs were being pulled over by the blooms. The bushes were up to 5-6 feet. They were in many front yards. We don't have this in the south. Please help me identify this shrub.

bloom best answer:

Answer by hardy_rose
It is a Hydrangea. Hydrangea paniculata 'Grandiflora' most likely (Pee Gee Hydrangea). The leaves are smaller that the H. macrophylla cultivars. The flowers start white, and then fade to deep pink.


Lily bloom

We had this plant for a few years and still blooming once or twice a year. Thanks for viewing!

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Orignal From: What is blooming in New England during the fall that looks similar to hydrangea but with smaller leaves? and Lily bloom

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