Monday, January 13, 2014

How long does it take a Music Box Sunflower to bloom after planting them? and PINCUSHION CACTUS BLOOMING

How long does it take a Music Box Sunflower to bloom after planting them?

I'm going to be planting music box sunflowers for my wedding this summer and wondered how long it will take them to mature and bloom. If you have any info, it would be greatly appreciated!

bloom best answer:

Answer by Lucky
I think it is like 3 months. but not 100% sure try looking at the house and garden web sit. it might have said on the package they came in.



My cultivated Pincushion Cactus (Pediocactus simpsonii) is blooming. The earliest I have ever seen it bloom. It usually blooms about the same time as the local Tulips.

Orignal From: How long does it take a Music Box Sunflower to bloom after planting them? and PINCUSHION CACTUS BLOOMING

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