Wednesday, January 15, 2014

ID of two trees in central coast, CA? and Cussonia paniculata #4

ID of two trees in central coast, CA?

I'm having trouble identifying two trees at my apt complex. one is about 20-25ft tall. it has really long maroonish petioles with about really big palmately compound leaves. each leaf has about 7-10 1ft+ long leathery, elliptic leaflets. it looks like the leaves come from the end of the stems and unfurl kind of like a philodendron leaf. The branches are pretty uniformly thick but stay succulent for quite a way. The bark is smooth and grey and I haven't seen and flowers or fruit.

The other tree is kind of shrubby. it's about 20 ft tall but has no main trunk. it has lots of thinnish, basally arising stems kind of like a lilac. the most noticeable thing about this one are it's flower heads. It had lots of greenish-white flower heads about 8" wide and tall. They look a lot like hydrangea inflorescences from a distance.

Again, I live on the central coast of California.

Thank you!

inflorescence best answer:

Answer by Sheila
Any chance of posting some photos?


Cussonia paniculata #4

Araliaceae - South Africa
Mountain Cabbage Tree
Detail of inflorescence

Additional views:

Photographed in U.C. Botanical Garden at Berkeley - Berkeley, California

Orignal From: ID of two trees in central coast, CA? and Cussonia paniculata #4

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