Saturday, November 30, 2013

How can I get an orchid to bloom? and Vivid Pomegranite Blooms

How can I get an orchid to bloom?

Last summer when my grandmother was ill in the hospital, I brought her an orchid plant the day before she died. My grandfather is now very attached to this plant, and tries to take very good care of it. It was in bloom last July when I bought it but the blooms are gone by now and he would like it to bloom again. How can you force an orchid to bloom?


bloom best answer:

Answer by Tink
They only bloom once a year. No, you can't force them - here are the instructions for the most common type of orchid.


Vivid Pomegranite Blooms

At their peak of bloom. the orange flowers of my neighbor's pomegranite trees are so dramatic in the sun. Each orange bloom is about the size of a standard carnation bloom. Some of the tall, scraggly trees droop over my fence, but that's fine with me. There are two colors of blooms, and the one that is hardest to capture is a two color, pale bloom that is white and light red-orange. If I ever capture the focus and color on those, I will post here onine.

If you like orange ALOT, click on the link for the large view, ha ha!

Orignal From: How can I get an orchid to bloom? and Vivid Pomegranite Blooms

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