Wednesday, November 20, 2013

How did the tradition of giving flowers for a funeral start? and flowers

How did the tradition of giving flowers for a funeral start?

Presently giving flowers is as a sign of sympathy for the death, I believe, but I'm curious of how the tradition started. I had read that, scientifically, it's said that it started because the fragance of the flowers masked the smell of ... decay? Flowers smell nice.

But if there are more reasons to how it started, and more reasons to why it's done in the present, then please tell me. And is there any specific flower you should give? Any you shouldn't? in the past, did they care of what flower they used?

flower best answer:

Answer by Lesbin Laden
Life springs anew! Lots of people have always believed in further soul life past body death. The flowers symolize the new soul life! (afterlife, reincarnation, pagan happy return to earth create more flowers...etc etc)

: )



flowers in maroccean parks, gardens or just beside the streets.

Orignal From: How did the tradition of giving flowers for a funeral start? and flowers

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