Thursday, December 26, 2013

How do I get my butterfly bush to bloom again? and Teignmouth Blooms Again - 3

How do I get my butterfly bush to bloom again?

We have a butterfly bush planted in the yard. It's really old, planted 20-30 years ago. It used to bloom when I was younger but it hasn't for years. I didn't realize it was a butterfly bush until I was thinking about it the other day and how I remember that so many butterflies used to come to it. It's huge now. My mom didn't know that it is supposed to be cut back each year so I think that might be why it doesn't bloom anymore. It does still get leaves though. Should I cut it short? It's probably around 7-8 feet tall right now. How short should I cut it and how long should I expect it to take to grow and bloom again? The branches are pretty stick-like nowadays but it is still alive.

bloom best answer:

Answer by george nash
If it is fairly high and hasnt been cut in years I would cut it back 1/3 to 1/2. I would go ahead and cut it now. Normally you should cut it back every year just before spring growth begins. You may want to compare pictures on the net with your plant to see if this is the true buterfly bush. You can find a lot of info on how to grow ir=t at that source.


Teignmouth Blooms Again - 3

Flowers blooming in public places around Teignmouth Devon on 4 May 2013.

Camera: Olympus FE-120 6.0 Digital.

Orignal From: How do I get my butterfly bush to bloom again? and Teignmouth Blooms Again - 3

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