Tuesday, December 24, 2013

How should I start a permaculture garden? and My Garden with herb border in the foreground

How should I start a permaculture garden?

I just read an article in Yoga magazine and was inspired to start my own permaculture garden but have no clue how to. Websites would be greatly appreciated.

Garden best answer:

Answer by Lenny
Hi Lanie,

You're asking about how to start a permaculture garden. I warmly, warmly recommend a book where an American woman travels to Australia (the birthplace of permaculture) and lives on a permaculture farm where she starts a garden in the middle of snakes, leeches, rain.... She doesn't go very deep into permaculture as she travels all around the world on a shoestring, but it is a funny, touching, inspiring read. Part adventure travel, part life change, and a really really good vibe. I smiled throughout and wished it wouldn't end. You can see the reviews on Amazon.

Here's one bit about permaculture from that book.
"One example of a permaculture principle: the problem is the solution. Problem: the deer are eating my garden. Solution: eat the deer. Problem: slugs are eating my garden. Solution: ???

Her adventures on that farm are really funny.

You also ask about websites. The biggest permaculture resource is permaculture.org.au. That is where I would start. From there, there are lots of friendly little sites. For instance, in Australia, jerrapark.com, a permaculture farm. In fact, I would say that the best way to learn about permaculture gardening, if you have the time, would be to travel to Australia, where there are all these permaculture farms where you can volunteer under the program called wwoofing. The same kind of volunteering also exists in the States, particularly in Washington state, Oregon, North Carolina and Western Colorado.

Wishing you a beautiful garden (and weekend),



My Garden with herb border in the foreground

My garden in April 2009 - we use the herbs frequently.

Orignal From: How should I start a permaculture garden? and My Garden with herb border in the foreground

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